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Cocoon: RAG for Large Data Pipeline

Cocoon prepares large & complex data pipeline for RAG, enabling dbt copilot functionality:

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Live Demo: RAG Shopify dbt project in 2 steps

Step 1: Prepare Lightweight RAG in Seconds

Instead of traditional Vector RAG, Cocoon builds novel RAG based on pipeline lineage.
Optionally, Cocoon offers Deep RAG preparation that generates model & column description, and column lineage.

%3 1. model.shopify.shopify__calendar_0 1. model.shopify.shopify__calendar 88. model.shopify.shopify__daily_shop_87 88. model.shopify.shopify__daily_shop 1. model.shopify.shopify__calendar_0->88. model.shopify.shopify__daily_shop_87 89. model.shopify.shopify__customer_cohorts_88 89. model.shopify.shopify__customer_cohorts 1. model.shopify.shopify__calendar_0->89. model.shopify.shopify__customer_cohorts_88 90. model.shopify.shopify__customer_email_cohorts_89 90. model.shopify.shopify__customer_email_cohorts 1. model.shopify.shopify__calendar_0->90. model.shopify.shopify__customer_email_cohorts_89 2. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_tmp_1 2. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_tmp 36. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_35 36. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code 2. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_tmp_1->36. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_35 3. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_tmp_2 3. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_tmp 37. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_36 37. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line 3. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_tmp_2->37. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_36 4. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_tmp_3 4. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_tmp 35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_34 35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout 4. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_tmp_3->35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_34 5. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product_tmp_4 5. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product_tmp 39. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product_38 39. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product 5. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product_tmp_4->39. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product_38 6. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_tmp_5 6. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_tmp 38. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_37 38. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection 6. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_tmp_5->38. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_37 7. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_tmp_6 7. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_tmp 41. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_40 41. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag 7. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_tmp_6->41. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_40 8. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tmp_7 8. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tmp 40. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_39 40. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer 8. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tmp_7->40. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_39 9. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code_tmp_8 9. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code_tmp 42. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code_41 42. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code 9. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code_tmp_8->42. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code_41 10. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_tmp_9 10. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_tmp 43. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_42 43. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment 10. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_tmp_9->43. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_42 11. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item_tmp_10 11. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item_tmp 44. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item_43 44. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item 11. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item_tmp_10->44. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item_43 12. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level_tmp_11 12. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level_tmp 45. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level_44 45. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level 12. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level_tmp_11->45. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level_44 13. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location_tmp_12 13. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location_tmp 46. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location_45 46. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location 13. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location_tmp_12->46. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location_45 14. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield_tmp_13 14. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield_tmp 47. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield_46 47. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield 14. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield_tmp_13->47. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield_46 15. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment_tmp_14 15. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment_tmp 49. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment_48 49. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment 15. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment_tmp_14->49. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment_48 16. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_tmp_15 16. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_tmp 50. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_49 50. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code 16. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_tmp_15->50. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_49 17. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund_tmp_16 17. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund_tmp 52. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund_51 52. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund 17. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund_tmp_16->52. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund_51 18. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_tmp_17 18. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_tmp 51. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_50 51. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line 18. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_tmp_17->51. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_50 19. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute_tmp_18 19. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute_tmp 53. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute_52 53. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute 19. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute_tmp_18->53. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute_52 20. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_tmp_19 20. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_tmp 54. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_53 54. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line 20. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_tmp_19->54. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_53 21. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_tmp_20 21. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_tmp 55. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_54 55. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line 21. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_tmp_20->55. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_54 22. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tag_tmp_21 22. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tag_tmp 56. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tag_55 56. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tag 22. 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model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__price_rule_57 26. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image_tmp_25 26. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image_tmp 60. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image_59 60. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image 26. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image_tmp_25->60. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image_59 27. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag_tmp_26 27. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag_tmp 61. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag_60 61. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag 27. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag_tmp_26->61. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag_60 28. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tmp_27 28. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tmp 59. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_58 59. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product 28. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tmp_27->59. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_58 29. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_tmp_28 29. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_tmp 62. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_61 62. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant 29. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_tmp_28->62. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_61 30. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund_tmp_29 30. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund_tmp 63. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund_62 63. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund 30. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund_tmp_29->63. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund_62 31. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop_tmp_30 31. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop_tmp 64. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop_63 64. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop 31. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop_tmp_30->64. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop_63 32. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_tmp_31 32. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_tmp 65. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_64 65. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line 32. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_tmp_31->65. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_64 33. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction_tmp_32 33. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction_tmp 66. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction_65 66. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction 33. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction_tmp_32->66. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction_65 34. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction_tmp_33 34. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction_tmp 67. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction_66 67. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction 34. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction_tmp_33->67. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction_66 68. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_abandoned_checkouts_67 68. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_abandoned_checkouts 35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_34->68. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_abandoned_checkouts_67 73. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts_72 73. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts 35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_34->73. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts_72 82. model.shopify.shopify__customers_81 82. model.shopify.shopify__customers 35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_34->82. model.shopify.shopify__customers_81 83. model.shopify.shopify__customer_emails_82 83. model.shopify.shopify__customer_emails 35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_34->83. model.shopify.shopify__customer_emails_82 36. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_35->73. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts_72 37. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_36->73. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts_72 76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75 76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates 38. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_37->76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75 39. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product_38->76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75 69. model.shopify.int_shopify__customer_email_rollup_68 69. model.shopify.int_shopify__customer_email_rollup 40. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_39->69. model.shopify.int_shopify__customer_email_rollup_68 78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates_77 78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates 40. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_39->78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates_77 40. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_39->82. model.shopify.shopify__customers_81 41. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_40->69. model.shopify.int_shopify__customer_email_rollup_68 79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates_78 79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates 41. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_40->79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates_78 87. model.shopify.shopify__discounts_86 87. model.shopify.shopify__discounts 42. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code_41->87. model.shopify.shopify__discounts_86 75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates_74 75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates 43. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_42->75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates_74 81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 81. model.shopify.shopify__orders 43. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_42->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels_79 80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels 44. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item_43->80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels_79 45. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level_44->80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels_79 46. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location_45->80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels_79 48. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_47->75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates_74 48. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_47->78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates_77 48. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_47->79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates_78 48. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_47->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 49. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment_48->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 50. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_49->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 84. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__order_aggregates_83 84. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__order_aggregates 50. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_49->84. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__order_aggregates_83 74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates_73 74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates 51. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_50->74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates_73 51. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_50->75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates_74 77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines_76 77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines 51. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_50->77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines_76 71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds_70 71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds 52. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund_51->71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds_70 70. model.shopify.int_shopify__order__shipping_aggregates_69 70. model.shopify.int_shopify__order__shipping_aggregates 54. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_53->70. model.shopify.int_shopify__order__shipping_aggregates_69 55. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_54->70. model.shopify.int_shopify__order__shipping_aggregates_69 56. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tag_55->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 57. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_url_tag_56->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 58. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__price_rule_57->87. model.shopify.shopify__discounts_86 59. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_58->76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75 59. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_58->80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels_79 60. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image_59->76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75 61. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag_60->76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75 62. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_61->76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75 62. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_61->77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines_76 62. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_61->80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels_79 63. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund_62->71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds_70 64. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop_63->88. model.shopify.shopify__daily_shop_87 65. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_64->74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates_73 65. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_64->77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines_76 72. model.shopify.shopify__transactions_71 72. model.shopify.shopify__transactions 66. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction_65->72. model.shopify.shopify__transactions_71 67. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction_66->72. model.shopify.shopify__transactions_71 68. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_abandoned_checkouts_67->88. model.shopify.shopify__daily_shop_87 69. model.shopify.int_shopify__customer_email_rollup_68->83. model.shopify.shopify__customer_emails_82 70. model.shopify.int_shopify__order__shipping_aggregates_69->74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates_73 71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds_70->75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates_74 71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds_70->77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines_76 71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds_70->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 72. model.shopify.shopify__transactions_71->78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates_77 72. model.shopify.shopify__transactions_71->79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates_78 73. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts_72->87. model.shopify.shopify__discounts_86 74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates_73->78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates_77 74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates_73->79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates_78 74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates_73->81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80 75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates_74->80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels_79 91. model.shopify.shopify__products_90 91. model.shopify.shopify__products 76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates_75->91. model.shopify.shopify__products_90 85. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_orders_84 85. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_orders 77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines_76->85. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_orders_84 86. model.shopify.int_shopify__product__order_line_aggregates_85 86. model.shopify.int_shopify__product__order_line_aggregates 77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines_76->86. model.shopify.int_shopify__product__order_line_aggregates_85 78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates_77->83. model.shopify.shopify__customer_emails_82 79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates_78->82. model.shopify.shopify__customers_81 81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80->84. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__order_aggregates_83 81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80->85. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_orders_84 81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80->86. model.shopify.int_shopify__product__order_line_aggregates_85 81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80->89. model.shopify.shopify__customer_cohorts_88 81. model.shopify.shopify__orders_80->90. model.shopify.shopify__customer_email_cohorts_89 82. model.shopify.shopify__customers_81->89. model.shopify.shopify__customer_cohorts_88 83. model.shopify.shopify__customer_emails_82->90. model.shopify.shopify__customer_email_cohorts_89 84. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__order_aggregates_83->87. model.shopify.shopify__discounts_86 85. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_orders_84->88. model.shopify.shopify__daily_shop_87 86. model.shopify.int_shopify__product__order_line_aggregates_85->91. model.shopify.shopify__products_90
1. model.shopify.shopify__calendar
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
{{ dbt_utils.date_spine(
    start_date="cast('2019-01-01' as date)",
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
2. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
3. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
4. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
5. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
6. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
7. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
8. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
9. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
-- this model will be all NULL until you create a discount code in Shopify

Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
10. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
11. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
12. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
13. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
14. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
15. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
-- this model will be all NULL until you have made an order adjustment in Shopify

Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
16. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
17. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
-- this model will be all NULL until you have made an order line refund in Shopify

Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
18. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
19. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
20. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
21. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
22. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tag_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
23. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
24. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_url_tag_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
25. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__price_rule_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
26. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
27. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
28. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
29. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
30. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
-- this model will be all NULL until you create a refund in Shopify

Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
31. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
32. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
33. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
34. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction_tmp
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
35. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout
Model Description
A checkout is considered abandoned after the customer has added contact information, but before the customer has completed their purchase.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        _fivetran_deleted as is_deleted,
        buyer_accepts_marketing as has_buyer_accepted_marketing,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(closed_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as closed_at,
        currency as shop_currency,
        id as checkout_id,
        taxes_included as has_taxes_included,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
abandoned_checkout_url The recovery URL that's sent to a customer so they can recover their checkout.
billing_address_address_1 The street address of the billing address.
billing_address_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address.
billing_address_city The city of the billing address.
billing_address_company The company of the person associated with the billing address.
billing_address_country The name of the country of the billing address.
billing_address_country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) for the country of the billing address.
billing_address_first_name The first name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_last_name The last name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_latitude The latitude of the billing address.
billing_address_longitude The longitude of the billing address.
billing_address_name The full name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_phone The phone number at the billing address.
billing_address_province The name of the state or province of the billing address.
billing_address_province_code The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the billing address.
billing_address_zip The zip or postal code of the billing address.
has_buyer_accepted_marketing Whether the customer would like to receive email updates from the shop. This is set by the 'I want to receive occasional emails about new products, promotions and other news' checkbox during checkout.
cart_token The ID for the cart that's attached to the checkout.
closed_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the checkout was closed. If the checkout was not closed, then this value is null.
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the checkout was created.
shop_currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) of the shop's default currency at the time of checkout. For the currency that the customer used at checkout, see `presentment_currency`.
customer_id ID of the customer with the abandoned checkout.
customer_locale The two or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. Example values - en, en-CA.
device_id The ID of the Shopify POS device that created the checkout.
email The customer's email address.
gateway The payment gateway used by the checkout.
checkout_id The ID for the checkout.
landing_site_base_url The URL for the page where the customer entered the shop.
location_id The ID of the physical location where the checkout was processed.
name Checkout order number.
note The text of an optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order.
phone The customer's phone number for receiving SMS notifications.
presentment_currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) of the currency that the customer used at checkout. For the shop's default currency, see `currency`.
referring_site The website that referred the customer to the shop.
shipping_address_address_1 The street address of the shipping address.
shipping_address_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address.
shipping_address_city The city of the shipping address.
shipping_address_company The company of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_country The name of the country of the shipping address.
shipping_address_country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) for the country of the shipping address.
shipping_address_first_name The first name of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_last_name The last name of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_latitude The latitude of the shipping address.
shipping_address_longitude The longitude of the shipping address.
shipping_address_name The full name of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_phone The phone number at the shipping address.
shipping_address_province The name of the state or province of the shipping address.
shipping_address_province_code The two-letter abbreviation of the state or province of the shipping address.
shipping_address_zip The zip or postal code of the shipping address.
source_name Where the checkout originated. Valid values include `web`, `pos`, `iphone`, `android`.
subtotal_price The price of the checkout in _presentment_ (customer) currency before shipping and taxes.
has_taxes_included Boolean representing whether taxes are included in the price.
token A unique ID for a checkout.
total_discounts The total amount of discounts to be applied in presentment currency.
total_duties The total duties of the checkout in presentment currency.
total_line_items_price The sum of the prices of all line items in the checkout in _presentment_ (customer) currency.
total_price The sum of line item prices, all discounts, shipping costs, and taxes for the checkout in _presentment_ (customer) currency.
total_tax The sum of all the taxes applied to the checkout in _presentment_ (customer) currency.
total_weight The sum of all the weights in grams of the line items in the checkout.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the checkout was last modified.
user_id The ID of the user who created the checkout.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
36. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code
Model Description
Abandoned checkouts that applied a discount code.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_discount_code_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        upper(code) as code,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
        case when checkout_id is null and code is null and index is null
            then row_number() over(partition by source_relation order by source_relation)
            else row_number() over(partition by checkout_id, upper(code), source_relation order by index desc)
        end as index

    from fields

select *
from final
where index = 1
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
amount The amount of the discount in presentment currency.
checkout_id ID of the checkout.
code The discount code.
created_at When the checkout discount application was created.
discount_id ID of the discount. Deprecated, use `code` instead.
type The type of discount. Valid values - percentage, shipping, fixed_amount. (default - fixed_amount)
updated_at When the checkout's discount was last updated
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
37. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line
Model Description
Shipping lines associated with abandoned checkouts.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(
    from base

final as (
        id as abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_id,
        code as shipping_code,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
carrier_identifier A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service.
checkout_id ID of the checkout that was abandoned.
shipping_code A reference to the shipping method.
delivery_category The general classification of the delivery method.
delivery_expectation_range Expected delivery date range.
delivery_expectation_range_max Latest expected delivery date.
delivery_expectation_range_min Earliest possible expected delivery date.
delivery_expectation_type Type of expected delivery.
discounted_price The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied in _presentment_ (customer) currency.
abandoned_checkout_shipping_line_id Unique ID of the abandoned checkout shipping line.
index Index of the line amongst shipping lines for this checkout.
phone The phone number at the shipping address.
price The price of the shipping method in presentment currency.
requested_fulfillment_service_id The fulfillment service requested for the shipping method. Present if the shipping method requires processing by a third party fulfillment service.
source The channel where the checkout originated. Example value - shopify.
title The title of the shipping method. Example value - International Shipping.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
38. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection
Model Description
A collection is a grouping of products that merchants can create to make their stores easier to browse. Merchants can create collections by selecting products individually or by defining rules that automatically determine whether products are included (aka a "smart collection").
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__collection_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as collection_id,
        _fivetran_deleted as is_deleted,
            when disjunctive is null then null
            when disjunctive then 'disjunctive'
            else 'conjunctive' end as rule_logic,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(published_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as published_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
rule_logic Whether the `rules` are disjunctive (logical `OR`) or conjunctive (logical `AND`)
handle A unique, human-readable string for the collection automatically generated from its title. This is used in themes by the Liquid templating language to refer to the collection.
collection_id The ID for the collection.
published_at The time and date (ISO 8601 format) when the collection was made visible. Returns null for a hidden collection.
published_scope Whether the collection is published to the Point of Sale channel. Valid values `web` (the collection is published to the Online Store channel but not published to the Point of Sale channel) and `global` (the collection is published to both the Online Store channel and the Point of Sale channel).\n
rules An array of rules that define what products go into the smart collection. Each rule (`column` -- `relation` --> `condition`) has these properties: - `column`: the property of a product being used to populate the smart collection. Ex: 'tag', 'type', 'vendor', 'variant_price', etc. - `relation`: The comparative relationship between the column choice, and the condition ('equals', 'contains', 'greater_than', etc.) - condition: Select products for a smart collection using a condition. Values are either strings or numbers, depending on the relation value. See the [Shopify docs]( for more.\n
sort_order The order of the products in the collection. Valid values incline - `alpha-asc`: The products are sorted alphabetically from A to Z. - `alpha-des`: The products are sorted alphabetically from Z to A. - `best-selling`: The products are sorted by number of sales. - `created`: The products are sorted by the date they were created, from oldest to newest. - `created-desc`: The products are sorted by the date they were created, from newest to oldest. - `manual`: The products are manually sorted by the shop owner. - `price-asc`: The products are sorted by price from lowest to highest. - `price-desc`: The products are sorted by price from highest to lowest.\n
title The name of the collection
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the collection was last modified.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
39. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__collection_product
Model Description
Table relating products to the collections they belong to. Use this instead of the deprecated `COLLECT` table.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__collection_product_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
collection_id ID referencing the `collection` the product belongs to.
product_id ID referencing the `product`.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
40. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer
Model Description
Each record represents a customer in Shopify.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__customer_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base


final as (

        id as customer_id,
        lower(email) as email,
        lower(state) as account_state,
        tax_exempt as is_tax_exempt,
        verified_email as is_verified_email,
            when email_marketing_consent_state is null then
                    when accepts_marketing is null then null
                    when accepts_marketing then 'subscribed (legacy)' 
                    else 'not_subscribed (legacy)' end
            else lower(email_marketing_consent_state) end as marketing_consent_state,
        lower(coalesce(email_marketing_consent_opt_in_level, marketing_opt_in_level)) as marketing_opt_in_level,

        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(coalesce(accepts_marketing_updated_at, email_marketing_consent_consent_updated_at) as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as marketing_consent_updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
        {{ fivetran_utils.fill_pass_through_columns('customer_pass_through_columns') }}

    from fields

select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
marketing_consent_state Field indicating if the customer has consented to receive marketing material via email. Coalescing of the new `email_marketing_consent_state` field and the deprecated `accepts_marketing` field. Records with the old field will be marked with '(legacy)'.\n
marketing_opt_in_level The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the M3AAWG Sender Best Common Practices, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email.
marketing_consent_updated_at The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used.
created_timestamp The date and time when the customer was created.
default_address_id The default address for the customer.
email The unique email address of the customer. Attempting to assign the same email address to multiple customers returns an error.
first_name The customer's first name.
customer_id A unique identifier for the customer.
last_name The customer's last name.
orders_count The number of orders associated with this customer.
phone The unique phone number (E.164 format) for this customer. Attempting to assign the same phone number to multiple customers returns an error.
account_state The state of the customer's account with a shop.
is_tax_exempt Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true, then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false, then taxes will be applied at checkout.
total_spent The total amount of money that the customer has spent across their order history.
updated_timestamp The date and time when the customer information was last updated.
is_verified_email Whether the customer has verified their email address.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
note A note about the customer.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
41. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__customer_tag
Model Description
Tags that the shop owner has attached to the customer. A customer can have up to 250 tags.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__customer_tag_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
index Index (starting from 1) representing when the tag was placed on the customer.
customer_id ID of the customer being tagged.
value Value of the tag.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
42. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__discount_code
Model Description
Table storing discount codes that enable specific discounts to be redeemed. Merchants can distribute discount codes to their customers using a variety of means, such as an email or URL, and customers can apply these codes at checkout. Each discount code belongs to a price rule, which holds the logic for the discount.
-- this model will be all NULL until you create a discount code in Shopify

with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__discount_code_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as discount_code_id,
        upper(code) as code,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
code The case-insensitive discount code that customers use at checkout. Shopify recommends this map onto the associated `price_rule.title`.
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the discount code was created.
discount_code_id The ID for the discount code.
price_rule_id The ID for the price rule that this discount code belongs to.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the discount code was updated.
usage_count The number of times that the discount code has been redeemed.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
43. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__fulfillment
Model Description
A fulfillment order represents a group of one or more items in an order that will be fulfilled from the same location. A fulfillment represents work that is completed as part of a fulfillment order and can include one or more items.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__fulfillment_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as fulfillment_id,
        lower(status) as status,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
created_at The date and time when the fulfillment was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format.
fulfillment_id The ID for the fulfillment.
location_id The unique identifier of the location that the fulfillment was processed at.
name The uniquely identifying fulfillment name, consisting of two parts separated by a .. The first part represents the order name and the second part represents the fulfillment number. The fulfillment number automatically increments depending on how many fulfillments are in an order (e.g. #1001.1, #1001.2).\n
order_id The unique numeric identifier for the order.
service The fulfillment service associated with the fulfillment.
shipment_status The current shipment status of the fulfillment. Valid values include: - label_printed: A label for the shipment was purchased and printed. - label_purchased: A label for the shipment was purchased, but not printed. - attempted_delivery: Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed. - ready_for_pickup: The shipment is ready for pickup at a shipping depot. - confirmed: The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn't received it yet. - in_transit: The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination. - out_for_delivery: The shipment is being delivered to its final destination. - delivered: The shipment was successfully delivered. - failure: Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.\n
status The status of the fulfillment. Valid values include: - pending: Shopify has created the fulfillment and is waiting for the third-party fulfillment service to transition it to 'open' or 'success'. - open: The fulfillment has been acknowledged by the service and is in processing. - success: The fulfillment was successful. - cancelled: The fulfillment was cancelled. - error: There was an error with the fulfillment request. - failure: The fulfillment request failed.\n
tracking_company The name of the tracking company.
tracking_number Primary tracking number for the order.
tracking_numbers A list of tracking numbers, provided by the shipping company.
tracking_urls The URLs of tracking pages for the fulfillment.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the fulfillment was last modified.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
44. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_item
Model Description
An inventory item represents a physical good. It holds essential information about the physical good, including its SKU and whether its inventory is tracked. There is a 1:1 relationship between a product variant and an inventory item.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__inventory_item_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as inventory_item_id,
        _fivetran_deleted as is_deleted, -- won't filter out for now
        requires_shipping as is_shipping_required,
        tracked as is_inventory_quantity_tracked,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
cost The unit cost of the inventory item. The shop's default currency is used.
country_code_of_origin The country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of where the item came from.
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory item was created.
inventory_item_id The ID of the inventory item.
province_code_of_origin The province code (ISO 3166-2 alpha-2) of where the item came from. The province code is only used if the shipping provider for the inventory item is Canada Post.
is_shipping_required Boolean representing whether a customer needs to provide a shipping address when placing an order containing the inventory item.
sku The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the inventory item.
is_inventory_quantity_tracked Boolean representing whether inventory levels are tracked for the item. If true, then the inventory quantity changes are tracked by Shopify.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory item was last modified.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
45. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__inventory_level
Model Description
An inventory level represents the quantities of an inventory item for a location. Each inventory level belongs to one inventory item and has one location. For every location where an inventory item can be stocked, there's an inventory level that represents the inventory item's quantities relating to that location.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__inventory_level_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        available as available_quantity,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
available_quantity The available quantity of an inventory item at the inventory level's associated location. Returns null if the inventory item is not tracked.
inventory_item_id The ID of the inventory item associated with the inventory level.
location_id The ID of the location that the inventory level belongs to.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory level was last modified.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
46. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__location
Model Description
A location represents a geographical location where your stores, pop-up stores, headquarters, and warehouses exist.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__location_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as location_id,
        _fivetran_deleted as is_deleted,
        active as is_active,
        legacy as is_legacy,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
is_active Boolean representing whether the location is active. If true, then the location can be used to sell products, stock inventory, and fulfill orders.\n
address_1 The location's street address.
address_2 The optional second line of the location's street address.
city The city the location is in.
country The country the location is in (two-letter code).
country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) corresponding to country the location is in.
country_name Full name of the location's country.
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the location was created.
location_id The ID of the location.
is_legacy Boolean representing whether this is a fulfillment service location. If true, then the location is a fulfillment service location. If false, then the location was created by the merchant and isn't tied to a fulfillment service.\n
localized_country_name The localized name of the location's country.
localized_province_name The localized name of the location's region. Typically a province, state, or district.
name The name of the location.
phone The phone number of the location. This value can contain special characters, such as - or +.
province The province, state, or district of the location.
province_code The province, state, or district code (ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 format) of the location.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the location was last updated.
zip The zip or postal code.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
47. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__metafield
Model Description
Metafields are a flexible way to attach additional information to a Shopify resource (e.g. Product, Collection, etc.). Some examples of data stored using metafields include specifications, size charts, downloadable documents, release dates, images, or part numbers. Metafields are identified by an owner resource, a namespace, and a key and they store a value along with type information for that context.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__metafield_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as metafield_id,
        lower(coalesce(type, value_type)) as value_type,
        owner_id as owner_resource_id,
        lower(owner_resource) as owner_resource,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
        lower({{ dbt.concat(["namespace","'_'","key"]) }}) as metafield_reference,
        case when id is null and updated_at is null
            then row_number() over(partition by source_relation order by source_relation) = 1
            else row_number() over(partition by id, source_relation order by updated_at desc) = 1
        end as is_most_recent_record,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the metafield was created.
description A description of the information that the metafield contains.
metafield_id The unique ID of the metafield.
key The key of the metafield. Keys can be up to 64 characters long and can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, and periods.
namespace A container for a group of metafields. Grouping metafields within a namespace prevents your metafields from conflicting with other metafields with the same key name. Must have between 3-255 characters.
owner_resource_id The unique ID of the resource that the metafield is attached to.
owner_resource The type of resource (table) that the metafield is attached to.
value_type The type of data that the metafield stores in the `value` field. Refer to the [list]( of supported types. Coalescing of type and value_type
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the metafield was last updated.
value The data to store in the metafield. The value is always stored as a string, regardless of the metafield's type.
metafield_reference Combination of the namespace and key columns. This field is key for metafield mapping in downstream models.
is_most_recent_record Boolean indicating the most up to date record identified by the most recent updated_at field.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
48. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order
Model Description
Each record represents an order in Shopify.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base


final as (

        id as order_id,
        taxes_included as has_taxes_included,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(cancelled_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as cancelled_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(closed_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as closed_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(processed_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as processed_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_timestamp,
        lower(email) as email,
        test as is_test_order,
        _fivetran_deleted as is_deleted,
        buyer_accepts_marketing as has_buyer_accepted_marketing,
        confirmed as is_confirmed,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

        {{ fivetran_utils.fill_pass_through_columns('order_pass_through_columns') }}

    from fields

select * 
from final
where not coalesce(is_test_order, false)
and not coalesce(is_deleted, false)
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
app_id The ID of the app that created the order.
checkout_id ID of the order's checkout.
order_status_url The URL pointing to the order status web page, if applicable.
billing_address_address_1 The street address of the billing address.
billing_address_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address.
billing_address_city The city, town, or village of the billing address.
billing_address_company The company of the person associated with the billing address.
billing_address_country The name of the country of the billing address.
billing_address_country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the billing address.
billing_address_first_name The first name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_last_name The last name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_latitude The latitude of the billing address.
billing_address_longitude The longitude of the billing address.
billing_address_name The full name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_phone The phone number at the billing address.
billing_address_province The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the billing address.
billing_address_province_code The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the billing address.
billing_address_zip The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the billing address.
browser_ip The IP address of the browser used by the customer when they placed the order.
has_buyer_accepted_marketing Whether the customer consented to receive email updates from the shop.
cancel_reason The reason why the order was canceled.
cancelled_timestamp The date and time when the order was canceled.
cart_token The ID of the cart that's associated with the order.
closed_timestamp The date and time when the order was closed (archived).
created_timestamp The autogenerated date and time when the order was created in Shopify.
currency The three-letter code for the shop currency.
customer_id The ID of the order's customer.
email The customer's email address.
financial_status The status of payments associated with the order. Can only be set when the order is created
fulfillment_status The order's status in terms of fulfilled line items.
order_id The ID of the order, used for API purposes. This is different from the order_number property, which is the ID used by the shop owner and customer.
landing_site_base_url The URL for the page where the buyer landed when they entered the shop.
location_id The ID of the physical location where the order was processed.
name The order name, generated by combining the order_number property with the order prefix and suffix that are set in the merchant's general settings.
note An optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order.
number The order's position in the shop's count of orders. Numbers are sequential and start at 1.
order_number The order 's position in the shop's count of orders starting at 1001. Order numbers are sequential and start at 1001.
processed_timestamp The date and time when an order was processed. This value is the date that appears on your orders and that's used in the analytic reports.
referring_site The website where the customer clicked a link to the shop.
shipping_address_address_1 The street address of the shipping address.
shipping_address_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address.
shipping_address_city The city, town, or village of the shipping address.
shipping_address_company The company of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_country The name of the country of the shipping address.
shipping_address_country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the shipping address.
shipping_address_first_name The first name of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_last_name The last name of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_latitude The latitude of the shipping address.
shipping_address_longitude The longitude of the shipping address.
shipping_address_name The full name of the person associated with the payment method.
shipping_address_phone The phone number at the shipping address.
shipping_address_province The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the shipping address.
shipping_address_province_code The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the shipping address.
shipping_address_zip The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the shipping address.
source_name Where the order originated. Can be set only during order creation, and is not writeable afterwards.
subtotal_price The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips.
has_taxes_included Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal.
is_test_order Whether this is a test order.
token A unique token for the order.
total_discounts The total discounts applied to the price of the order in the shop currency.
total_line_items_price The sum of all line item prices in the shop currency.
total_price The sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the shop currency. Must be positive.
total_tax The sum of all the taxes applied to the order in th shop currency. Must be positive).
total_weight The sum of all line item weights in grams.
updated_timestamp The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was last modified.
user_id The ID of the user logged into Shopify POS who processed the order, if applicable.
total_shipping_price_set The total shipping price of the order, excluding discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If taxes_included is set to true, then total_shipping_price_set includes taxes.
checkout_token A unique value when referencing the checkout that's associated with the order.
customer_locale A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier.
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
total_tip_received The sum of all the tips in the order in the shop currency.
client_details_user_agent Details of the browsing client, including software and operating versions.
total_tax_set The total tax applied to the order in shop and presentment currencies.
total_discounts_set The total discounts applied to the price of the order in shop and presentment currencies.
presentment_currency The presentment currency that was used to display prices to the customer.
source_relation The ID of the order placed on the originating platform. This value doesn't correspond to the Shopify ID that's generated from a completed draft.
total_line_items_price_set The total of all line item prices in shop and presentment currencies.
total_price_set The total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies.
is_confirmed Whether the order is confirmed.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
49. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_adjustment
Model Description
Each record represents and adjustment to and order within Shopify.
-- this model will be all NULL until you have made an order adjustment in Shopify

with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_adjustment_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(
    from base

final as (

        id as order_adjustment_id,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
order_adjustment_id The unique numeric identifier for the order adjustment.
order_id Reference to the order which the adjustment is associated.
refund_id Reference to the refund which the adjustment is associated.
amount Amount of the adjustment.
tax_amount Tax amount applied to the order adjustment in the shop currency.
kind The kind of order adjustment (eg. refund, restock, etc.).
reason The reason for the order adjustment.
amount_set Amount set towards the order adjustment in presentment and shop currencies.
tax_amount_set Tax amount set towards the order adjustment in the shop and presentment currencies.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
50. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_discount_code
Model Description
Discount codes placed on orders.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_discount_code_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        upper(code) as code,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
amount The amount that's deducted from the order total.
code This property returns the discount code that was entered at checkout. Otherwise this property returns the title of the discount that was applied.
order_id Associated order ID.
type The type of discount - `fixed_amount`, `percentage`, or `shipping`.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
index Pairs with `order_id` to provide unique identifier for order discount code.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
51. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line
Model Description
Each record represents a line item from an order in Shopify.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_line_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base


final as (
        id as order_line_id,
        gift_card as is_gift_card,
        requires_shipping as is_shipping_required,
        taxable as is_taxable,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

        {{ fivetran_utils.fill_pass_through_columns('order_line_pass_through_columns') }}

    from fields


select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
fulfillable_quantity The amount available to fulfill, calculated as follows: quantity - max(refunded_quantity, fulfilled_quantity) - pending_fulfilled_quantity - open_fulfilled_quantity
fulfillment_status How far along an order is in terms line items fulfilled.
is_gift_card Whether the item is a gift card. If true, then the item is not taxed or considered for shipping charges.
grams The weight of the item in grams.
order_line_id The ID of the line item.
name The name of the product variant.
order_id The ID of the related order.
price The price of the item before discounts have been applied in the shop currency.
product_id The ID of the product that the line item belongs to. Can be null if the original product associated with the order is deleted at a later date.
quantity The number of items that were purchased.
is_shipping_required Whether the item requires shipping.
sku The item's SKU (stock keeping unit).
is_taxable Whether the item was taxable.
title The title of the product.
total_discount The total amount of the discount allocated to the line item in the shop currency.
variant_id The ID of the product variant.
vendor The name of the item's supplier.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
index Index of the order line.
pre_tax_price The pre tax price of the line item in shop currency.
pre_tax_price_set The pre tax price of the line item in shop currency and presentment currency.
price_set The price of the line item in shop and presentment currencies.
tax_code Tax code applied to the line item. As multiple taxes can apply to a line item, we recommend referring to `stg_shopify__tax_line`.
total_discount_set The total amount allocated to the line item in the presentment currency.
variant_title The title of the product variant.
variant_inventory_management The fulfillment service that tracks the number of items in stock for the product variant.
properties Line item properties.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
52. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_line_refund
Model Description
Each record represents a line item from an order in Shopify.
-- this model will be all NULL until you have made an order line refund in Shopify

with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_line_refund_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base


final as (

        id as order_line_refund_id,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

        {{ fivetran_utils.fill_pass_through_columns('order_line_refund_pass_through_columns') }}

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
order_line_refund_id The unique identifier of the line item in the refund.
location_id TThe unique identifier of the location where the items will be restockedBD
order_line_id The ID of the related line item in the order.
quantity The quantity of the associated line item that was returned.
refund_id The ID of the related refund.
restock_type How this refund line item affects inventory levels.
subtotal Subtotal amount of the order line refund in shop currency.
total_tax The total tax applied to the refund in the shop currency.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
subtotal_set The subtotal of the refund line item in shop and presentment currencies.
total_tax_set The total tax of the line item in shop and presentment currencies.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
53. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_note_attribute
Model Description
Table storing custom attributes placed on orders.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_note_attribute_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
name Name of the attribute.
order_id ID referencing the order the note attribute belongs to.
value Value of the attribute.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
54. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_line
Model Description
Represents the shipping details that the customer chose for their order.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_shipping_line_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as order_shipping_line_id,
        requested_fulfillment_service_id is not null as is_third_party_required,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
carrier_identifier A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service.
code A reference to the shipping method.
delivery_category The general classification of the delivery method.
discounted_price The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied in shop currency.
discounted_price_set The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied (JSON) in presentment and shop currencies.
order_shipping_line_id A globally-unique identifier.
order_id ID of the associated order.
phone The phone number at the shipping address.
price Returns the price of the shipping line in shop currency.
price_set Returns the price of the shipping line (JSON) in shop and presentment currencies.
is_third_party_required The fulfillment service requested for the shipping method. Present if the shipping method requires processing by a third party fulfillment service.
source Returns the rate source for the shipping line.
title Returns the title of the shipping line.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
55. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line
Model Description
Represents taxes associated with order shipping lines.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_shipping_tax_line_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
index Index (from 1) representing the order of shipping lines per order.
order_shipping_line_id ID of the order shipping line this record is associated with.
price The amount of tax, in shop currency, after discounts and before returns.
price_set The amount of tax, in shop and presentment currencies, after discounts and before returns (JSON).
rate The proportion of the line item price that the tax represents as a decimal.
title The name of the tax.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
56. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_tag
Model Description
Tags that the shop owner has attached to the order.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_tag_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
index Index (starting from 1) representing when the tag was placed on the order.
order_id ID of the order being tagged.
value Value of the tag.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
57. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__order_url_tag
Model Description
Key-value tags that the shop owner has attached to the order url.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__order_url_tag_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,
    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
key Key of the tag pair.
order_id ID of the order url being tagged.
value Value of the tag.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
58. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__price_rule
Model Description
Table storing price rules. You can use price rules to create discounts dependent on conditions. Merchants can distribute the discount codes to their customers. Using price rules, you can create discounts that specify a discount as a percentage, a fixed amount, or free shipping. You use entitlements and prerequisites to dynamically build these discounts.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__price_rule_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as price_rule_id,
        once_per_customer as is_once_per_customer,
        prerequisite_quantity_range as prereq_min_quantity,
        prerequisite_shipping_price_range as prereq_max_shipping_price,
        prerequisite_subtotal_range as prereq_min_subtotal,
        prerequisite_to_entitlement_purchase_prerequisite_amount as prereq_min_purchase_quantity_for_entitlement,
        quantity_ratio_entitled_quantity as prereq_buy_x_get_this,
        quantity_ratio_prerequisite_quantity as prereq_buy_this_get_y,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(starts_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as starts_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(ends_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as ends_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
allocation_limit The number of times the discount can be allocated on the cart - if eligible. For example a Buy 1 hat Get 1 hat for free discount can be applied 3 times on a cart having more than 6 hats, where maximum of 3 hats get discounted - if the allocation_limit is 3. Empty (null) allocation_limit means unlimited number of allocations.\n
allocation_method The allocation method of the price rule. Valid values include `each` (the discount is applied to each of the entitled items. For example, for a price rule that takes $15 off, each entitled line item in a checkout will be discounted by $15) and `across` (the calculated discount amount will be applied across the entitled items. For example, for a price rule that takes $15 off, the discount will be applied across all the entitled items).\n
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule was created.
customer_selection The customer selection for the price rule. Valid values include `all` (the price rule is valid for all customers) and `prerequisite` (the customer must either belong to one of the customer segments specified by customer_segment_prerequisite_ids, or be one of the customers specified by prerequisite_customer_ids).\n
ends_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule ends. Must be after starts_at.
price_rule_id The ID for the price rule.
is_once_per_customer Boolean representing whether the generated discount code will be valid only for a single use per customer. This is tracked using customer ID.
prereq_min_quantity If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the minimum number of items for the price rule to be applicable. The quantity of an entitled cart item must be greater than or equal to this value.
prereq_max_shipping_price If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the maximum shipping price for the price rule to be applicable. The shipping price must be less than or equal to this value
prereq_min_subtotal If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the minimum subtotal for the price rule to be applicable. The subtotal of the entitled cart items must be greater than or equal to this value for the discount to apply.
prereq_min_purchase_quantity_for_entitlement If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the prerequisite purchase for a Buy X Get Y discount. The minimum purchase amount required to be entitled to the discount.
prereq_buy_x_get_this If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, in a Buy/Get ratio for a Buy X Get Y discount, this is the offered 'get' quantity.
prereq_buy_this_get_y If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, in a Buy/Get ratio for a Buy X Get Y discount, this defines the necessary 'buy' quantity.
starts_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule starts.
target_selection The target selection method of the price rule. Valid values include `all` (the price rule applies the discount to all line items in the checkout) and `entitled` (the price rule applies the discount to selected entitlements only).\n
target_type The target type that the price rule applies to. Valid values include `line_item` (the price rule applies to the cart's line items) and `shipping_line` (the price rule applies to the cart's shipping lines).
title The title of the price rule. This is used by the Shopify admin search to retrieve discounts. It is also displayed on the Discounts page of the Shopify admin for bulk discounts. Shopify recommends that this map onto the associated `discount_code.code`.\n
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule was updated.
usage_limit The maximum number of times the price rule can be used, per discount code.
value The value of the price rule. If if the value of `target_type` is `shipping_line`, then only -100 is accepted. The value must be negative.
value_type The value type of the price rule. Valid values include `fixed_amount` (applies a discount of value as a unit of the store's currency. For example, if value is -30 and the store's currency is USD, then $30 USD is deducted when the discount is applied) and `percentage` (applies a percentage discount of value. For example, if value is -30, then 30% will be deducted when the discount is applied).\nIf `target_type` is `shipping_line`, then only `percentage` is accepted.\n
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
59. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product
Model Description
Each record represents a product in Shopify.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__product_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base


final as (
        id as product_id,
        _fivetran_deleted as is_deleted,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(published_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as published_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

        {{ fivetran_utils.fill_pass_through_columns('product_pass_through_columns') }}

from fields


select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
is_deleted Whether the record has been deleted in the source system.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
created_timestamp The date and time when the product was created.
handle A unique human-friendly string for the product. Automatically generated from the product's title.
product_id An unsigned 64-bit integer that's used as a unique identifier for the product. Each id is unique across the Shopify system. No two products will have the same id, even if they're from different shops.
product_type A categorization for the product used for filtering and searching products.
published_timestamp The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published. Can be set to null to unpublish the product from the Online Store channel.
published_scope Whether the product is published to the Point of Sale channel.
title The name of the product.
updated_timestamp The date and time when the product was last modified.
vendor The name of the product's vendor.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
status The status of the product. Valid values: - active: The product is ready to sell and is available to customers on the online store, sales channels, and apps. By default, existing products are set to active. - archived: The product is no longer being sold and isn't available to customers on sales channels and apps. - draft: The product isn't ready to sell and is unavailable to customers on sales channels and apps. By default, duplicated and unarchived products are set to draft.\n
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
60. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_image
Model Description
Table storing hosted images of products.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__product_image_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as product_image_id,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields
    where not coalesce(_fivetran_deleted, false)

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
created_at The date and time when the product image was created. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format.
height Height dimension of the image which is determined on upload.
product_image_id Unique numeric identifier of the product image.
position The order of the product image in the list. The first product image is at position 1 and is the "main" image for the product.
product_id The id of the product associated with the image.
src Specifies the location of the product image. This parameter supports URL filters that you can use to retrieve modified copies of the image.
updated_at The date and time when the product image was last modified. The API returns this value in ISO 8601 format.
variant_ids An array of variant ids associated with the image.
width Width dimension of the image which is determined on upload.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
61. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_tag
Model Description
Tags that the shop owner has attached to the product.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__product_tag_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
index Index (starting from 1) representing when the tag was placed on the product.
product_id ID of the product being tagged.
value Value of the tag.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
62. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__product_variant
Model Description
Each record represents a product variant in Shopify
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__product_variant_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base


final as (

        id as variant_id,
        taxable as is_taxable,
        coalesce(inventory_quantity, old_inventory_quantity) as inventory_quantity,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

        {{ fivetran_utils.fill_pass_through_columns('product_variant_pass_through_columns') }}

    from fields

select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
barcode The barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product.
compare_at_price The original price of the item before an adjustment or a sale in shop currency
created_timestamp The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was created.
fulfillment_service The fulfillment service associated with the product variant.
grams The weight of the product variant in grams.
variant_id The unique numeric identifier for the product variant.
image_id The unique numeric identifier for a product's image. The image must be associated to the same product as the variant.
inventory_item_id The unique identifier for the inventory item, which is used in the Inventory API to query for inventory information.
inventory_management The fulfillment service that tracks the number of items in stock for the product variant.
inventory_policy Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock.
inventory_quantity An aggregate of inventory across all locations. To adjust inventory at a specific location, use the InventoryLevel resource.
option_1 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
option_2 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
option_3 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
position The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. The position of variants is indicated by the order in which they are listed.
price The price of the product variant.
product_id The unique numeric identifier for the product.
sku A unique identifier for the product variant in the shop. Required in order to connect to a FulfillmentService.
is_taxable Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold.
tax_code This parameter applies only to the stores that have the Avalara AvaTax app installed. Specifies the Avalara tax code for the product variant.
title The title of the product variant. The title field is a concatenation of the option1, option2, and option3 fields. You can only update title indirectly using the option fields.
updated_timestamp The date and time when the product variant was last modified. Gets returned in ISO 8601 format.
weight The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit.
weight_unit The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. If you don't specify a value for weight_unit, then the shop's default unit of measurement is applied. Valid values: g, kg, oz, and lb.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
63. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__refund
Model Description
Each record represents a refund within Shopify.
-- this model will be all NULL until you have made a refund in Shopify

with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__refund_tmp') }}


fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(
    from base

final as (

        id as refund_id,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(processed_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as processed_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
refund_id The unique numeric identifier for the refund.
created_at Timestamp of the date when the refund was created.
processed_at Timestamp of the date when the refund was processed.
note User generated note attached to the refund.
restock Boolean indicating if the refund is a result of a restock.
user_id Reference to the user id which generated the refund.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
total_duties_set Record representing total duties set for the refund.
order_id Reference to the order which the refund is associated.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
64. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__shop
Model Description
The Shop resource is a collection of general business and store management settings and information about the store.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__shop_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as shop_id,
        _fivetran_deleted as is_deleted,
        case when county_taxes is null then false else county_taxes end as has_county_taxes,
        tax_shipping as has_shipping_taxes,
        case when taxes_included is null then false else taxes_included end as has_taxes_included_in_price,
        checkout_api_supported as has_checkout_api_supported,
        eligible_for_card_reader_giveaway as is_eligible_for_card_reader_giveaway,
        eligible_for_payments as is_eligible_for_payments,
        case when google_apps_login_enabled is null then false else google_apps_login_enabled end as is_google_apps_login_enabled,
        password_enabled as is_password_enabled,
        pre_launch_enabled as is_pre_launch_enabled,
        requires_extra_payments_agreement as is_extra_payments_agreement_required,
        setup_required as is_setup_required,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(updated_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as updated_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
address_1 The shop's street address.
address_2 The optional second line of the shop's street address.
has_checkout_api_supported Boolean representing whether the shop is capable of accepting payments directly through the Checkout API.
city The shop's city.
cookie_consent_level The cookie consent level defined on the shop's online store.
country The shop's country. In most cases, this value matches the country_code.
country_code The two-letter country code corresponding to the shop's country.
country_name The shop's normalized country name.
has_county_taxes Boolean representing whether the shop is applying taxes on a per-county basis. Only applicable to shops based in the US. Either `true` or `null` (not false, according to Shopify API docs).
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601) when the shop was created.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the shop's default currency.
customer_email The contact email used for communication between the shop owner and the customer.
domain The shop's domain.
is_eligible_for_card_reader_giveaway Boolean representing whether the shop is eligible to receive a free credit card reader from Shopify.
is_eligible_for_payments Boolean representing whether the shop is eligible to use Shopify Payments.
email The contact email used for communication between Shopify and the shop owner.
enabled_presentment_currencies An array of of enabled currencies (ISO 4217 format) that the shop accepts. Merchants can enable currencies from their Shopify Payments settings in the Shopify Admin.
google_apps_domain The GSuite URL for the store, if applicable.
is_google_apps_login_enabled Boolean representing whether the GSuite login is enabled. Shops with this feature will be able to log in through the GSuite login page. Valid values are `true` and `null`.
has_discounts Boolean representing whether any active discounts exist for the shop.
has_gift_cards Boolean representing whether any active gift cards exist for the shop.
has_storefront Boolean representing whether this shop has an online store.
iana_timezone The name of the timezone assigned by the [IANA](
shop_id The ID for the shop. A 64-bit unsigned integer.
latitude The latitude of the shop's location.
longitude The longitude of the shop's location.
money_format A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency isn't specified.
money_in_emails_format A string representing the way currency is formatted in email notifications when the currency isn't specified.
money_with_currency_format A string representing the way currency is formatted when the currency is specified.
money_with_currency_in_emails_format A string representing the way currency is formatted in email notifications when the currency is specified.
myshopify_domain The shop's domain.
name The name of the shop.
is_password_enabled Boolean representing whether the password protection page is enabled on the shop's online store.
phone The contact phone number for the shop.
plan_display_name The display name of the Shopify plan the shop is on.
plan_name The name of the Shopify plan the shop is on.
is_pre_launch_enabled Boolean representing whether the pre-launch page is enabled on the shop's online store.
primary_locale The shop's primary locale, as configured in the language settings of the shop's theme.
province The shop's normalized province or state name.
province_code The two- or three-letter code for the shop's province or state.
is_extra_payments_agreement_required Boolean representing whether the shop requires an extra Shopify Payments agreement.
is_setup_required Boolean representing whether the shop has any outstanding setup steps.
shop_owner The username of the shop owner.
source The handle of the partner account that referred the merchant to Shopify, if applicable.
has_shipping_taxes Boolean representing whether taxes are charged for shipping. Valid values are true or false.
has_taxes_included_in_price Boolean representing whether applicable taxes are included in product prices. Valid values are true or null.
timezone The name of the timezone the shop is in.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601) when the shop was last updated.
weight_unit The default unit of weight measurement for the shop.
zip The shop's zip or postal code.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
65. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tax_line
Model Description
Represents a single tax applied to the associated line item.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__tax_line_tmp') }}

fields as (

        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
index The index of the tax line.
order_line_id The order line that this tax line is associated with.
price The amount of tax, in shop currency, after discounts and before returns.
price_set The amount of tax, in shop and presentment currencies, after discounts and before returns.
rate The proportion of the line item price that the tax represents as a decimal.
title The name of the tax.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
66. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__tender_transaction
Model Description
Each tender transaction represents money passing between the merchant and a customer. A tender transaction with a positive amount represents a transaction where the customer paid money to the merchant. A negative amount represents a transaction where the merchant refunded money back to the customer. Tender transactions represent transactions that modify the shop's balance.
with base as (

    select * 
    from {{ ref('stg_shopify__tender_transaction_tmp') }}

fields as (


        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base

final as (
        id as transaction_id,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(processed_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as processed_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

    from fields
    where not coalesce(test, false)

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
amount The amount of the tender transaction in the shop's currency.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the tender transaction.
transaction_id The ID of the transaction.
order_id The ID of the order that the tender transaction belongs to.
payment_method Information about the payment method used for this transaction. Valid values include: - credit_card - cash - android_pay - apple_pay - google_pay - samsung_pay - shopify_pay - amazon - klarna - paypal - unknown - other\n
processed_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the tender transaction was processed.
remote_reference The remote (gateway) reference associated with the tender.
user_id The ID of the user logged into the Shopify POS device that processed the tender transaction, if applicable.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
67. model.shopify_source.stg_shopify__transaction
Model Description
Each record represents a transaction in Shopify.
with base as (

    select * from {{ ref('stg_shopify__transaction_tmp') }}


fields as (



        {{ fivetran_utils.source_relation(

    from base


final as (

        id as transaction_id,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(created_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as created_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(processed_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as processed_timestamp,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(authorization_expires_at as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as authorization_expires_at,
        {{ dbt_date.convert_timezone(column='cast(_fivetran_synced as ' ~ dbt.type_timestamp() ~ ')', target_tz=var('shopify_timezone', "UTC"), source_tz="UTC") }} as _fivetran_synced,

        {{ fivetran_utils.fill_pass_through_columns('transaction_pass_through_columns') }}

    from fields
    where not coalesce(test, false)

select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
transaction_id The ID for the transaction.
order_id The ID for the order that the transaction is associated with.
refund_id The ID associated with a refund in the refund table.
amount The amount of money included in the transaction.
authorization_code The authorization code associated with the transaction.
created_timestamp The date and time when the transaction was created.
processed_timestamp The date and time when a transaction was processed.
device_id The ID for the device.
gateway The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through.
source_name The origin of the transaction.
message A string generated by the payment provider with additional information about why the transaction succeeded or failed.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment.
location_id The ID of the physical location where the transaction was processed.
parent_id The ID of an associated transaction.
payment_avs_result_code The response code from the address verification system.
payment_credit_card_bin The issuer identification number (IIN), formerly known as bank identification number (BIN) of the customer's credit card.
payment_cvv_result_code The response code from the credit card company indicating whether the customer entered the card security code, or card verification value, correctly.
payment_credit_card_number The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted.
payment_credit_card_company The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card.
kind The transaction's type.
receipt A transaction receipt attached to the transaction by the gateway.
currency_exchange_id The ID of the adjustment.
currency_exchange_adjustment The difference between the amounts on the associated transaction and the parent transaction.
currency_exchange_original_amount The amount of the parent transaction in the shop currency.
currency_exchange_final_amount The amount of the associated transaction in the shop currency.
currency_exchange_currency The shop currency.
error_code A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider.
status The status of the transaction.
test Whether the transaction is a test transaction.
user_id The ID for the user who was logged into the Shopify POS device when the order was processed, if applicable.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
authorization_expires_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the Shopify Payments authorization expires.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
68. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_abandoned_checkouts
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with abandoned_checkout as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_abandoned_checkout') }}

    -- "deleted" abandoned checkouts do not appear to have any data tying them to customers,
    -- discounts, or products (and should therefore not get joined in) but let's filter them out here
    where not coalesce(is_deleted, false)

abandoned_checkout_aggregates as (

        cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('day','created_at') }} as date) as date_day,
        count(distinct checkout_id) as count_abandoned_checkouts,
        count(distinct customer_id) as count_customers_abandoned_checkout,
        count(distinct email) as count_customer_emails_abandoned_checkout

    from abandoned_checkout
    group by 1,2

select * 
from abandoned_checkout_aggregates
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
69. model.shopify.int_shopify__customer_email_rollup
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with customers as (

        row_number() over(
            partition by {{ shopify.shopify_partition_by_cols('email', 'source_relation') }}
            order by created_timestamp desc) 
            as customer_index

    from {{ var('shopify_customer') }}
    where email is not null -- nonsensical to include any null emails here

), customer_tags as (

    from {{ var('shopify_customer_tag' )}}

), rollup_customers as (

        -- fields to group by
        lower( as email,

        -- fields to string agg together
        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(customers.customer_id as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as customer_ids,
        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast( as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as phone_numbers,
        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(customer_tags.value as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as customer_tags,

        -- fields to take aggregates of
        min(customers.created_timestamp) as first_account_created_at,
        max(customers.created_timestamp) as last_account_created_at,
        max(customers.updated_timestamp) as last_updated_at,
        max(customers.marketing_consent_updated_at) as marketing_consent_updated_at,
        max(customers._fivetran_synced) as last_fivetran_synced,

        -- take true if ever given for boolean fields
        {{ fivetran_utils.max_bool("case when customers.customer_index = 1 then customers.is_tax_exempt else null end") }} as is_tax_exempt, -- since this changes every year
        {{ fivetran_utils.max_bool("customers.is_verified_email") }} as is_verified_email

        -- for all other fields, just take the latest value
        {% set cols = adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('stg_shopify__customer')) %}
        {% set except_cols = ['_fivetran_synced', 'email', 'source_relation', 'customer_id', 'phone', 'created_at', 
                                'marketing_consent_updated_at', 'orders_count', 'total_spent', 'created_timestamp', 'updated_timestamp',
                                'is_tax_exempt', 'is_verified_email'] %}
        {% for col in cols %}
            {% if col.column|lower not in except_cols %}
            , max(case when customers.customer_index = 1 then customers.{{ col.column }} else null end) as {{ col.column }}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

    from customers 
    left join customer_tags
        on customers.customer_id = customer_tags.customer_id
        and customers.source_relation = customer_tags.source_relation

    group by 1,2


select *
from rollup_customers
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
70. model.shopify.int_shopify__order__shipping_aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with order_shipping_line as (

        sum(price) as shipping_price,
        sum(discounted_price) as discounted_shipping_price
    from {{ var('shopify_order_shipping_line') }}
    group by 1,2,3

), order_shipping_tax_line as (

        sum(price) as shipping_tax

    from {{ var('shopify_order_shipping_tax_line') }}
    group by 1,2 

), aggregated as (

        sum(order_shipping_line.shipping_price) as shipping_price,
        sum(order_shipping_line.discounted_shipping_price) as discounted_shipping_price,
        sum(order_shipping_tax_line.shipping_tax) as shipping_tax

    from order_shipping_line
    left join order_shipping_tax_line
        on order_shipping_line.order_shipping_line_id = order_shipping_tax_line.order_shipping_line_id
        and order_shipping_line.source_relation = order_shipping_tax_line.source_relation
    group by 1,2

select * 
from aggregated
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
71. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_refunds
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with refunds as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_refund') }}

), order_line_refunds as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order_line_refund') }}
), refund_join as (


    from refunds
    left join order_line_refunds
        on refunds.refund_id = order_line_refunds.refund_id
        and refunds.source_relation = order_line_refunds.source_relation


select *
from refund_join
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
72. model.shopify.shopify__transactions
Model Description
Each record represents a transaction in Shopify.
        materialized='table' if target.type in ('bigquery', 'databricks', 'spark') else 'incremental',
        incremental_strategy='delete+insert' if target.type in ('postgres', 'redshift', 'snowflake') else 'merge',

with transactions as (
        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['source_relation', 'transaction_id'])}} as transactions_unique_id
    from {{ var('shopify_transaction') }}

    {% if is_incremental() %}
-- use created_timestamp instead of processed_at since a record could be created but not processed
    where cast(created_timestamp as date) >= {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(from_date="max(cast(created_timestamp as date))", interval=var('lookback_window', 7), datepart='day') }}
    {% endif %}

), tender_transactions as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_tender_transaction') }}

), joined as (
        parent_transactions.created_timestamp as parent_created_timestamp,
        parent_transactions.kind as parent_kind,
        parent_transactions.amount as parent_amount,
        parent_transactions.status as parent_status
    from transactions
    left join tender_transactions
        on transactions.transaction_id = tender_transactions.transaction_id
        and transactions.source_relation = tender_transactions.source_relation
    left join transactions as parent_transactions
        on transactions.parent_id = parent_transactions.transaction_id
        and transactions.source_relation = parent_transactions.source_relation

), exchange_rate as (

        coalesce(cast(nullif({{ fivetran_utils.json_parse("receipt",["charges","data",0,"balance_transaction","exchange_rate"]) }}, '') as {{ dbt.type_numeric() }} ),1) as exchange_rate,
        coalesce(cast(nullif({{ fivetran_utils.json_parse("receipt",["charges","data",0,"balance_transaction","exchange_rate"]) }}, '') as {{ dbt.type_numeric() }} ),1) * amount as currency_exchange_calculated_amount
    from joined


select *
from exchange_rate
Column Description
column_name description
transactions_unique_id Unique key representing a transaction. Hashed on 'transaction_id' and 'source_relation'.
transaction_id The ID for the transaction.
order_id The ID for the order that the transaction is associated with.
refund_id The ID associated with a refund in the refund table.
amount The amount of money included in the transaction in shop currency.
authorization The authorization code associated with the transaction.
created_timestamp The date and time when the transaction was created.
processed_timestamp The date and time when a transaction was processed.
device_id The ID for the device.
gateway The name of the gateway the transaction was issued through.
source_name The origin of the transaction.
message A string generated by the payment provider with additional information about why the transaction succeeded or failed.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency used for the payment.
location_id The ID of the physical location where the transaction was processed.
parent_id The ID of an associated transaction.
payment_avs_result_code The response code from the address verification system.
payment_credit_card_bin The issuer identification number (IIN), formerly known as bank identification number (BIN) of the customer's credit card.
payment_cvv_result_code The response code from the credit card company indicating whether the customer entered the card security code, or card verification value, correctly.
payment_credit_card_number The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted.
payment_credit_card_company The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card.
kind The transaction's type.
receipt A transaction receipt attached to the transaction by the gateway.
currency_exchange_id The ID of the adjustment.
currency_exchange_adjustment The difference between the amounts on the associated transaction and the parent transaction.
currency_exchange_original_amount The amount of the parent transaction in the shop currency.
currency_exchange_final_amount The amount of the associated transaction in the shop currency.
currency_exchange_currency The shop currency.
error_code A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider.
status The status of the transaction.
user_id The ID for the user who was logged into the Shopify POS device when the order was processed, if applicable.
_fivetran_synced Timestamp of the date the record was synced by Fivetran.
exchange_rate The exchange rate between the home currency and the currency of sale at the time of the transaction.
currency_exchange_calculated_amount The total amount of the transaction with the currency exchange rate applied.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from, if you are unioning multiple connectors. Null if not.
payment_method Method of payment.
parent_created_timestamp Created on timestamp of the parent transaction.
parent_kind Kind of the parent transaction.
parent_amount Amount of the parent transaction.
parent_status Status of the parent transaction.
authorization_expires_at Timestamp when the authorization expires.
authorization_code The authorization code associated with the transaction.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
73. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with abandoned_checkout as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_abandoned_checkout') }}

    -- "deleted" abandoned checkouts do not appear to have any data tying them to customers,
    -- discounts, or products (and should therefore not get joined in) but let's filter them out here
    where not coalesce(is_deleted, false)

abandoned_checkout_discount_code as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_abandoned_checkout_discount_code') }}

    -- we need the TYPE of discount (shipping, percentage, fixed_amount) to avoid fanning out of joins
    -- so filter out records that have this
    where coalesce(type, '') != ''

abandoned_checkout_shipping_line as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_abandoned_checkout_shipping_line') }}

roll_up_shipping_line as (

        sum(price) as price

    from abandoned_checkout_shipping_line
    group by 1,2

abandoned_checkouts_aggregated as (

        sum(abandoned_checkout_discount_code.amount) as total_abandoned_checkout_discount_amount,
        sum(coalesce(abandoned_checkout.total_line_items_price, 0)) as total_abandoned_checkout_line_items_price,
        sum(coalesce(roll_up_shipping_line.price, 0)) as total_abandoned_checkout_shipping_price,
        count(distinct customer_id) as count_abandoned_checkout_customers,
        count(distinct email) as count_abandoned_checkout_customer_emails,
        count(distinct abandoned_checkout.checkout_id) as count_abandoned_checkouts

    from abandoned_checkout_discount_code
    left join abandoned_checkout
        on abandoned_checkout_discount_code.checkout_id = abandoned_checkout.checkout_id
        and abandoned_checkout_discount_code.source_relation = abandoned_checkout.source_relation
    left join roll_up_shipping_line
        on roll_up_shipping_line.checkout_id = abandoned_checkout_discount_code.checkout_id 
        and roll_up_shipping_line.source_relation = abandoned_checkout_discount_code.source_relation

    group by 1,2,3

select *
from abandoned_checkouts_aggregated
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
74. model.shopify.shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
{{ config(materialized='table') }}

with order_line as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order_line') }}

), tax as (

    from {{ var('shopify_tax_line') }}

), shipping as (

    from {{ ref('int_shopify__order__shipping_aggregates')}}

), tax_aggregates as (

        sum(price) as price

    from tax
    group by 1,2

), order_line_aggregates as (

        count(*) as line_item_count,
        sum(order_line.quantity) as order_total_quantity,
        sum(tax_aggregates.price) as order_total_tax,
        sum(order_line.total_discount) as order_total_discount

    from order_line
    left join tax_aggregates
        on tax_aggregates.order_line_id = order_line.order_line_id
        and tax_aggregates.source_relation = order_line.source_relation
    group by 1,2

), final as (

        shipping.shipping_price as order_total_shipping,
        shipping.discounted_shipping_price as order_total_shipping_with_discounts,
        shipping.shipping_tax as order_total_shipping_tax

    from order_line_aggregates
    left join shipping
        on shipping.order_id = order_line_aggregates.order_id
        and shipping.source_relation = order_line_aggregates.source_relation

select *
from final
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
75. model.shopify.int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with order_lines as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order_line') }}

fulfillment as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_fulfillment') }}

orders as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order') }}
    where not coalesce(is_deleted, false)

refunds as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders__order_refunds') }}

), refunds_aggregated as (
        sum(quantity) as quantity,
        sum(coalesce(subtotal, 0)) as subtotal

    from refunds
    group by 1,2

joined as (

        fulfillment.location_id, -- location id is stored in fulfillment rather than order
        lower( as email,
        orders.created_timestamp as order_created_timestamp,
        fulfillment.status as fulfillment_status, 
        refunds_aggregated.subtotal as subtotal_sold_refunds, 
        refunds_aggregated.quantity as quantity_sold_refunds

    from order_lines
    join orders
        on order_lines.order_id = orders.order_id
        and order_lines.source_relation = orders.source_relation
    join fulfillment
        on orders.order_id = fulfillment.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = fulfillment.source_relation
    left join refunds_aggregated
        on refunds_aggregated.order_line_id = order_lines.order_line_id
        and refunds_aggregated.source_relation = order_lines.source_relation

aggregated as (

        sum(pre_tax_price) as subtotal_sold,
        sum(quantity) as quantity_sold,
        count(distinct order_id) as count_distinct_orders,
        count(distinct customer_id) as count_distinct_customers,
        count(distinct email) as count_distinct_customer_emails,
        min(order_created_timestamp) as first_order_timestamp,
        max(order_created_timestamp) as last_order_timestamp

        {% for status in ['pending', 'open', 'success', 'cancelled', 'error', 'failure'] %}
        , count(distinct case when fulfillment_status = '{{ status }}' then fulfillment_id end) as count_fulfillment_{{ status }}
        {% endfor %}

        , sum(coalesce(subtotal_sold_refunds, 0)) as subtotal_sold_refunds
        , sum(coalesce(quantity_sold_refunds, 0)) as quantity_sold_refunds

    from joined

    {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=3) }}

select *
from aggregated
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
76. model.shopify.int_shopify__products_with_aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with products as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_product') }}

collection_product as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_collection_product') }}

collection as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_collection') }}
    where not coalesce(is_deleted, false) -- limit to only active collections

product_tag as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_product_tag') }}

product_variant as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_product_variant') }}

product_image as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_product_image') }}

collections_aggregated as (

        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg(field_to_agg='collection.title', delimiter="', '") }} as collections
    from collection_product 
    join collection 
        on collection_product.collection_id = collection.collection_id
        and collection_product.source_relation = collection.source_relation
    group by 1,2

tags_aggregated as (

        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg(field_to_agg='value', delimiter="', '") }} as tags
    from product_tag
    group by 1,2

variants_aggregated as (

        count(variant_id) as count_variants

    from product_variant
    group by 1,2


images_aggregated as (

        count(*) as count_images
    from product_image
    group by 1,2

joined as (

        coalesce(images_aggregated.count_images, 0) > 0 as has_product_image

    from products
    left join collections_aggregated
        on products.product_id = collections_aggregated.product_id
        and products.source_relation = collections_aggregated.source_relation
    left join tags_aggregated
        on products.product_id = tags_aggregated.product_id
        and products.source_relation = tags_aggregated.source_relation
    left join variants_aggregated
        on products.product_id = variants_aggregated.product_id
        and products.source_relation = variants_aggregated.source_relation
    left join images_aggregated
        on products.product_id = images_aggregated.product_id
        and products.source_relation = images_aggregated.source_relation

select *
from joined
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
77. model.shopify.shopify__order_lines
Model Description
Each record represents a line item of an order in Shopify.
        materialized='table' if target.type in ('bigquery', 'databricks', 'spark') else 'incremental',
        incremental_strategy='delete+insert' if target.type in ('postgres', 'redshift', 'snowflake') else 'merge',

with order_lines as (

        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['source_relation', 'order_line_id']) }} as order_lines_unique_key
    from {{ var('shopify_order_line') }}

    {% if is_incremental() %}
    where cast(_fivetran_synced as date) >= {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(from_date="max(cast(_fivetran_synced as date))", interval=var('lookback_window', 3), datepart='day') }}
    {% endif %}

), product_variants as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_product_variant') }}

), refunds as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders__order_refunds') }}

), refunds_aggregated as (
        sum(quantity) as quantity,
        sum(coalesce(subtotal, 0)) as subtotal,
        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(refunds.restock_type as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as restock_types
    from refunds
    group by 1,2

), tax_lines as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_tax_line')}}

), tax_lines_aggregated as (

        sum(tax_lines.price) as order_line_tax

    from tax_lines
    group by 1,2

), joined as (


        coalesce(refunds_aggregated.quantity,0) as refunded_quantity,
        coalesce(refunds_aggregated.subtotal,0) as refunded_subtotal,
        order_lines.quantity - coalesce(refunds_aggregated.quantity,0) as quantity_net_refunds,
        order_lines.pre_tax_price  - coalesce(refunds_aggregated.subtotal,0) as subtotal_net_refunds,
        product_variants.created_timestamp as variant_created_at,
        product_variants.updated_timestamp as variant_updated_at,

        product_variants.price as variant_price,
        product_variants.sku as variant_sku,
        product_variants.position as variant_position,
        product_variants.inventory_policy as variant_inventory_policy,
        product_variants.compare_at_price as variant_compare_at_price,
        product_variants.fulfillment_service as variant_fulfillment_service,

        product_variants.is_taxable as variant_is_taxable,
        product_variants.barcode as variant_barcode,
        product_variants.grams as variant_grams,
        product_variants.inventory_quantity as variant_inventory_quantity,
        product_variants.weight as variant_weight,
        product_variants.weight_unit as variant_weight_unit,
        product_variants.option_1 as variant_option_1,
        product_variants.option_2 as variant_option_2,
        product_variants.option_3 as variant_option_3,
        product_variants.tax_code as variant_tax_code,


    from order_lines
    left join refunds_aggregated
        on refunds_aggregated.order_line_id = order_lines.order_line_id
        and refunds_aggregated.source_relation = order_lines.source_relation
    left join product_variants
        on product_variants.variant_id = order_lines.variant_id
        and product_variants.source_relation = order_lines.source_relation
    left join tax_lines_aggregated
        on tax_lines_aggregated.order_line_id = order_lines.order_line_id
        and tax_lines_aggregated.source_relation = order_lines.source_relation


select *
from joined
Column Description
column_name description
order_lines_unique_key Unique key representing an order line. Hashed on 'order_line_id' and 'source_relation'.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
fulfillable_quantity The amount available to fulfill, calculated as follows: quantity - max(refunded_quantity, fulfilled_quantity) - pending_fulfilled_quantity - open_fulfilled_quantity\n
fulfillment_status How far along an order is in terms line items fulfilled.
is_gift_card Whether the item is a gift card. If true, then the item is not taxed or considered for shipping charges.
grams The weight of the item in grams.
order_line_id The ID of the line item.
name The name of the product variant.
order_id The ID of the related order.
price The price of the item before discounts have been applied in the shop currency.
product_id The ID of the product that the line item belongs to. Can be null if the original product associated with the order is deleted at a later date.
quantity The number of items that were purchased.
is_shipping_required Whether the item requires shipping.
sku The item's SKU (stock keeping unit).
is_taxable Whether the item was taxable.
title The title of the product.
total_discount The total amount of the discount allocated to the line item in the shop currency.
variant_id The ID of the product variant.
vendor The name of the item's supplier.
refunded_quantity Quantity of the item that has been refunded.
quantity_net_refunds Quantity ordered, excluding refunds.
variant_barcode The barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product.
variant_compare_at_price The original price of the item before an adjustment or a sale in shop currency.
variant_created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was created.
variant_fulfillment_service The fulfillment service associated with the product variant.
variant_grams The weight of the product variant in grams.
inventory_item_id The unique identifier for the inventory item, which is used in the Inventory API to query for inventory information.
variant_inventory_management The fulfillment service that tracks the number of items in stock for the product variant.
variant_inventory_policy Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock.
variant_inventory_quantity An aggregate of inventory across all locations. To adjust inventory at a specific location, use the InventoryLevel resource.
variant_option_1 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
variant_option_2 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
variant_option_3 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
variant_position The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. The position of variants is indicated by the order in which they are listed.
variant_price The price of the product variant.
variant_sku A unique identifier for the product variant in the shop. Required in order to connect to a FulfillmentService.
variant_is_taxable Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold.
variant_tax_code This parameter applies only to the stores that have the Avalara AvaTax app installed. Specifies the Avalara tax code for the product variant.
variant_title The title of the product variant. The title field is a concatenation of the option1, option2, and option3 fields. You can only update title indirectly using the option fields.
variant_updated_at The date and time when the product variant was last modified. Gets returned in ISO 8601 format.
variant_weight The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit.
variant_weight_unit The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. If you don't specify a value for weight_unit, then the shop's default unit of measurement is applied. Valid values: g, kg, oz, and lb.
refunded_subtotal Subtotal amount of the refund applied to the order line in shop currency.
subtotal_net_refunds Subtotal of the order line with refunds subtracted in shop currency.
image_id Image id of the product variant associated with the order line.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from, if you are unioning multiple connectors. Null if not.
restock_types List of how this refund line item affects inventory levels.
order_line_tax Total taxes for the line item.
index The index associated with the order.
pre_tax_price The total pre tax price of the order.
tax_code This parameter applies only to the stores that have the Avalara AvaTax app installed. Specifies the Avalara tax code for the product variant.
pre_tax_price_set The pre tax price of the line item in shop currency and presentment currency.
price_set The price of the line item in shop and presentment currencies.
total_discount_set The total amount allocated to the line item in the presentment currency.
properties Line item properties.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
78. model.shopify.int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with orders as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order') }}

), order_aggregates as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates') }}

), transactions as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__transactions')}}

    where lower(status) = 'success'
    and lower(kind) not in ('authorization', 'void')
    and lower(gateway) != 'gift_card' -- redeeming a giftcard does not introduce new revenue

), transaction_aggregates as (
    -- this is necessary as customers can pay via multiple payment gateways
        lower(kind) as kind,
        sum(currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as currency_exchange_calculated_amount

    from transactions
    {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=3) }}

), customer_emails as (
-- in case any orders records don't have the customer email attached yet

    from {{ var('shopify_customer') }}
    where email is not null
    {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=3) }}
), aggregated as (

        lower( as email,
        min(orders.created_timestamp) as first_order_timestamp,
        max(orders.created_timestamp) as most_recent_order_timestamp,
        avg(transaction_aggregates.currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as avg_order_value,
        sum(transaction_aggregates.currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as lifetime_total_spent,
        sum(refunds.currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as lifetime_total_refunded,
        count(distinct orders.order_id) as lifetime_count_orders,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_quantity) as avg_quantity_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_tax) as lifetime_total_tax,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_tax) as avg_tax_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_discount) as lifetime_total_discount,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_discount) as avg_discount_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping) as lifetime_total_shipping,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping) as avg_shipping_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_with_discounts) as lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_with_discounts) as avg_shipping_with_discounts_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_tax) as lifetime_total_shipping_tax,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_tax) as avg_shipping_tax_per_order
    from orders
    join customer_emails
        on orders.customer_id = customer_emails.customer_id
        and orders.source_relation = customer_emails.source_relation
    left join transaction_aggregates 
        on orders.order_id = transaction_aggregates.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = transaction_aggregates.source_relation
        and transaction_aggregates.kind in ('sale','capture')
    left join transaction_aggregates as refunds
        on orders.order_id = refunds.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = refunds.source_relation
        and refunds.kind = 'refund'
    left join order_aggregates
        on orders.order_id = order_aggregates.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = order_aggregates.source_relation

    group by 1,2


select *
from aggregated
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
79. model.shopify.shopify__customers__order_aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with orders as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order') }}
    where customer_id is not null

), order_aggregates as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates') }}

), transactions as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__transactions')}}

    where lower(status) = 'success'
    and lower(kind) not in ('authorization', 'void')
    and lower(gateway) != 'gift_card' -- redeeming a giftcard does not introduce new revenue

), transaction_aggregates as (
    -- this is necessary as customers can pay via multiple payment gateways
        lower(kind) as kind,
        sum(currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as currency_exchange_calculated_amount

    from transactions
    {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=3) }}

), customer_tags as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_customer_tag' )}}

), customer_tags_aggregated as (

        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(value as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as customer_tags

    from customer_tags
    group by 1,2

), aggregated as (

        min(orders.created_timestamp) as first_order_timestamp,
        max(orders.created_timestamp) as most_recent_order_timestamp,
        avg(transaction_aggregates.currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as avg_order_value,
        sum(transaction_aggregates.currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as lifetime_total_spent,
        sum(refunds.currency_exchange_calculated_amount) as lifetime_total_refunded,
        count(distinct orders.order_id) as lifetime_count_orders,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_quantity) as avg_quantity_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_tax) as lifetime_total_tax,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_tax) as avg_tax_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_discount) as lifetime_total_discount,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_discount) as avg_discount_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping) as lifetime_total_shipping,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping) as avg_shipping_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_with_discounts) as lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_with_discounts) as avg_shipping_with_discounts_per_order,
        sum(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_tax) as lifetime_total_shipping_tax,
        avg(order_aggregates.order_total_shipping_tax) as avg_shipping_tax_per_order

    from orders
    left join transaction_aggregates 
        on orders.order_id = transaction_aggregates.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = transaction_aggregates.source_relation
        and transaction_aggregates.kind in ('sale','capture')
    left join transaction_aggregates as refunds
        on orders.order_id = refunds.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = refunds.source_relation
        and refunds.kind = 'refund'
    left join order_aggregates
        on orders.order_id = order_aggregates.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = order_aggregates.source_relation
    left join customer_tags_aggregated
        on orders.customer_id = customer_tags_aggregated.customer_id
        and orders.source_relation = customer_tags_aggregated.source_relation
    {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=3) }}

select *
from aggregated
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
80. model.shopify.shopify__inventory_levels
Model Description
Model representing the current status of an inventory level in Shopify. Inventory Levels are unique pairings of inventory items (which have a 1:1 relationship with product variants) and locations. Inventory Level = Inventory item @ a Location.
with inventory_level as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_inventory_level') }}

inventory_item as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_inventory_item') }}

location as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_location') }}

product_variant as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_product_variant') }}

product as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_product') }}

inventory_level_aggregated as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__inventory_level__aggregates') }}

joined_info as (

        inventory_item.is_deleted as is_inventory_item_deleted,
        inventory_item.created_at as inventory_item_created_at,
        inventory_item.updated_at as inventory_item_updated_at, as location_name, 
        location.is_deleted as is_location_deleted,
        location.is_active as is_location_active,
        location.is_legacy as is_legacy_location,
        location.created_at as location_created_at,
        location.updated_at as location_updated_at,

        product_variant.title as variant_title,
        product_variant.inventory_policy as variant_inventory_policy,
        product_variant.price as variant_price,
        product_variant.image_id as variant_image_id,
        product_variant.fulfillment_service as variant_fulfillment_service,
        product_variant.inventory_management as variant_inventory_management,
        product_variant.is_taxable as is_variant_taxable,
        product_variant.barcode as variant_barcode,
        product_variant.grams as variant_grams, 
        product_variant.inventory_quantity as variant_inventory_quantity,
        product_variant.weight as variant_weight,
        product_variant.weight_unit as variant_weight_unit,
        product_variant.option_1 as variant_option_1,
        product_variant.option_2 as variant_option_2,
        product_variant.option_3 as variant_option_3,
        product_variant.tax_code as variant_tax_code,
        product_variant.created_timestamp as variant_created_at,
        product_variant.updated_timestamp as variant_updated_at

        {{ fivetran_utils.persist_pass_through_columns('product_variant_pass_through_columns', identifier='product_variant') }}

    from inventory_level
    join inventory_item 
        on inventory_level.inventory_item_id = inventory_item.inventory_item_id 
        and inventory_level.source_relation = inventory_item.source_relation 
    join location 
        on inventory_level.location_id = location.location_id 
        and inventory_level.source_relation = location.source_relation 
    join product_variant 
        on inventory_item.inventory_item_id = product_variant.inventory_item_id 
        and inventory_item.source_relation = product_variant.source_relation


joined_aggregates as (

        coalesce(inventory_level_aggregated.subtotal_sold, 0) as subtotal_sold,
        coalesce(inventory_level_aggregated.quantity_sold, 0) as quantity_sold,
        coalesce(inventory_level_aggregated.count_distinct_orders, 0) as count_distinct_orders,
        coalesce(inventory_level_aggregated.count_distinct_customers, 0) as count_distinct_customers,
        coalesce(inventory_level_aggregated.count_distinct_customer_emails, 0) as count_distinct_customer_emails,
        coalesce(inventory_level_aggregated.subtotal_sold_refunds, 0) as subtotal_sold_refunds,
        coalesce(inventory_level_aggregated.quantity_sold_refunds, 0) as quantity_sold_refunds

        {% for status in ['pending', 'open', 'success', 'cancelled', 'error', 'failure'] %}
        , coalesce(count_fulfillment_{{ status }}, 0) as count_fulfillment_{{ status }}
        {% endfor %}

    from joined_info
    left join inventory_level_aggregated
        on joined_info.location_id = inventory_level_aggregated.location_id
        and joined_info.variant_id = inventory_level_aggregated.variant_id
        and joined_info.source_relation = inventory_level_aggregated.source_relation

final as (

        subtotal_sold - subtotal_sold_refunds as net_subtotal_sold,
        quantity_sold - quantity_sold_refunds as net_quantity_sold
    from joined_aggregates

select * 
from final
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
available_quantity The available quantity of an inventory item at the inventory level's associated location. Returns null if the inventory item is not tracked.
inventory_item_id The ID of the inventory item associated with the inventory level.
location_id The ID of the location that the inventory level belongs to.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory level was last modified.
is_inventory_item_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
sku The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the inventory item.
cost The unit cost of the inventory item. The shop's default currency is used.
province_code_of_origin The province code (ISO 3166-2 alpha-2) of where the item came from. The province code is only used if the shipping provider for the inventory item is Canada Post.
country_code_of_origin The country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of where the item came from.
is_shipping_required Boolean representing whether a customer needs to provide a shipping address when placing an order containing the inventory item.
is_inventory_quantity_tracked Boolean representing whether inventory levels are tracked for the item. If true, then the inventory quantity changes are tracked by Shopify.
inventory_item_created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory item was created.
inventory_item_updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the inventory item was last modified.
is_location_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
is_location_active Boolean representing whether the location is active. If true, then the location can be used to sell products, stock inventory, and fulfill orders.\n
address_1 The location's street address.
address_2 The optional second line of the location's street address.
city The city the location is in.
country The country the location is in (two-letter code).
country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format) corresponding to country the location is in.
location_created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the location was created.
is_legacy_location Boolean representing whether this is a fulfillment service location. If true, then the location is a fulfillment service location. If false, then the location was created by the merchant and isn't tied to a fulfillment service.\n
location_name The name of the location.
phone The phone number of the location. This value can contain special characters, such as - or +.
province The province, state, or district of the location.
province_code The province, state, or district code (ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 format) of the location.
location_updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the location was last updated.
zip The zip or postal code.
variant_barcode The barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product.
variant_created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was created.
variant_fulfillment_service The fulfillment service associated with the product variant.
variant_grams The weight of the product variant in grams.
variant_id The unique numeric identifier for the product variant.
variant_image_id The unique numeric identifier for a product's image. The image must be associated to the same product as the variant.
variant_inventory_management The fulfillment service that tracks the number of items in stock for the product variant.
variant_inventory_policy Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock.
variant_inventory_quantity An aggregate of inventory across all locations. To adjust inventory at a specific location, use the InventoryLevel resource.
variant_option_1 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
variant_option_2 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
variant_option_3 The custom properties that a shop owner uses to define product variants. You can define three options for a product variant: option1, option2, option3.
variant_price The price of the product variant in shop currency.
product_id The unique numeric identifier for the product.
is_variant_taxable Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold.
variant_tax_code This parameter applies only to the stores that have the Avalara AvaTax app installed. Specifies the Avalara tax code for the product variant.
variant_title The title of the product variant. The title field is a concatenation of the option1, option2, and option3 fields. You can only update title indirectly using the option fields.
variant_updated_at The date and time when the product variant was last modified. Gets returned in ISO 8601 format.
variant_weight The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit.
variant_weight_unit The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. If you don't specify a value for weight_unit, then the shop's default unit of measurement is applied. Valid values: g, kg, oz, and lb.
subtotal_sold Total amount (monetary, in shop currency) sold from the inventory level. Includes refunds.
quantity_sold Total quantity sold from the inventory level. Includes refunds.
count_distinct_orders The number of distinct orders placed from this inventory level.
count_distinct_customers The number of distinct customers (based on customer_id) that have placed orders against this inventory level.
count_distinct_customer_emails The number of distinct customer emails that have placed orders against this inventory level.
first_order_timestamp The timetamp of the first order against this inventory level.
last_order_timestamp The timestamp of the first order against this inventory level.
subtotal_sold_refunds The monetary amount (in shop currency) of inventory level goods that have been refunded.
quantity_sold_refunds The quantity of inventory level goods that have been refunded.
net_subtotal_sold Net monetary amount sold (in shop currency) from the inventory level. Excludes refunds.
net_quantity_sold Net quantity sold from this inventory level. Excludes refunds.
count_fulfillment_pending Count of currently pending distinct fulfillments for this inventory level. "Pending" = Shopify has created the fulfillment and is waiting for the third-party fulfillment service to transition it to 'open' or 'success'.\n
count_fulfillment_open Count of currently open distinct fulfillments for this inventory level. "Open" = The fulfillment has been acknowledged by the service and is in processing.\n
count_fulfillment_success Count of successful distinct fulfillments for this inventory level. "Success" = The fulfillment was successful.\n
count_fulfillment_cancelled Count of cancelled distinct fulfillments for this inventory level. "Cancelled" = The fulfillment was cancelled.\n
count_fulfillment_error Count of distinct fulfillments for this inventory level that encountered an error. "Error" = There was an error with the fulfillment request.\n
count_fulfillment_failure Count of distinct fulfillments for this inventory level that failed. "Failure" = The fulfillment request failed.\n
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
81. model.shopify.shopify__orders
Model Description
Each record represents an order in Shopify.
        materialized='table' if target.type in ('bigquery', 'databricks', 'spark') else 'incremental',
        incremental_strategy='delete+insert' if target.type in ('postgres', 'redshift', 'snowflake') else 'merge',

with orders as (

        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['source_relation', 'order_id']) }} as orders_unique_key
    from {{ var('shopify_order') }}

    {% if is_incremental() %}
    where cast(coalesce(updated_timestamp, created_timestamp) as date) >= {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(
        from_date="max(cast(coalesce(updated_timestamp, created_timestamp) as date))", 
        interval=var('lookback_window', 7), 
        datepart='day') }}
    {% endif %}

), order_lines as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders__order_line_aggregates') }}

), order_adjustments as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order_adjustment') }}

), order_adjustments_aggregates as (
        sum(amount) as order_adjustment_amount,
        sum(tax_amount) as order_adjustment_tax_amount
    from order_adjustments
    group by 1,2

), refunds as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders__order_refunds') }}

), refund_aggregates as (
        sum(subtotal) as refund_subtotal,
        sum(total_tax) as refund_total_tax
    from refunds
    group by 1,2

), order_discount_code as (
    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order_discount_code') }}

), discount_aggregates as (

        sum(case when type = 'shipping' then amount else 0 end) as shipping_discount_amount,
        sum(case when type = 'percentage' then amount else 0 end) as percentage_calc_discount_amount,
        sum(case when type = 'fixed_amount' then amount else 0 end) as fixed_amount_discount_amount,
        count(distinct code) as count_discount_codes_applied

    from order_discount_code
    group by 1,2

), order_tag as (

        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(value as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as order_tags
    from {{ var('shopify_order_tag') }}
    group by 1,2

), order_url_tag as (

        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(value as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as order_url_tags
    from {{ var('shopify_order_url_tag') }}
    group by 1,2

), fulfillments as (

        count(fulfillment_id) as number_of_fulfillments,
        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(service as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as fulfillment_services,
        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(tracking_company as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as tracking_companies,
        {{ fivetran_utils.string_agg("distinct cast(tracking_number as " ~ dbt.type_string() ~ ")", "', '") }} as tracking_numbers

    from {{ var('shopify_fulfillment') }}
    group by 1,2

), joined as (

        coalesce(cast({{ fivetran_utils.json_parse("total_shipping_price_set",["shop_money","amount"]) }} as {{ dbt.type_float() }}) ,0) as shipping_cost,


            + coalesce(order_adjustments_aggregates.order_adjustment_amount,0) + coalesce(order_adjustments_aggregates.order_adjustment_tax_amount,0) 
            - coalesce(refund_aggregates.refund_subtotal,0) - coalesce(refund_aggregates.refund_total_tax,0)) as order_adjusted_total,

        coalesce(discount_aggregates.shipping_discount_amount, 0) as shipping_discount_amount,
        coalesce(discount_aggregates.percentage_calc_discount_amount, 0) as percentage_calc_discount_amount,
        coalesce(discount_aggregates.fixed_amount_discount_amount, 0) as fixed_amount_discount_amount,
        coalesce(discount_aggregates.count_discount_codes_applied, 0) as count_discount_codes_applied,
        coalesce(order_lines.order_total_shipping_tax, 0) as order_total_shipping_tax,

    from orders
    left join order_lines
        on orders.order_id = order_lines.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = order_lines.source_relation
    left join refund_aggregates
        on orders.order_id = refund_aggregates.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = refund_aggregates.source_relation
    left join order_adjustments_aggregates
        on orders.order_id = order_adjustments_aggregates.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = order_adjustments_aggregates.source_relation
    left join discount_aggregates
        on orders.order_id = discount_aggregates.order_id 
        and orders.source_relation = discount_aggregates.source_relation
    left join order_tag
        on orders.order_id = order_tag.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = order_tag.source_relation
    left join order_url_tag
        on orders.order_id = order_url_tag.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = order_url_tag.source_relation
    left join fulfillments
        on orders.order_id = fulfillments.order_id
        and orders.source_relation = fulfillments.source_relation

), windows as (

        row_number() over (
            partition by {{ shopify.shopify_partition_by_cols('customer_id', 'source_relation') }}
            order by created_timestamp) 
            as customer_order_seq_number
    from joined

), new_vs_repeat as (

            when customer_order_seq_number = 1 then 'new'
            else 'repeat'
        end as new_vs_repeat
    from windows


select *
from new_vs_repeat
Column Description
column_name description
orders_unique_key Unique key representing an order. Hashed on 'order_id' and 'source_relation'.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
app_id The ID of the app that created the order.
billing_address_address_1 The street address of the billing address.
billing_address_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the billing address.
billing_address_city The city, town, or village of the billing address.
billing_address_company The company of the person associated with the billing address.
billing_address_country The name of the country of the billing address.
billing_address_country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the billing address.
billing_address_first_name The first name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_last_name The last name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_latitude The latitude of the billing address.
billing_address_longitude The longitude of the billing address.
billing_address_name The full name of the person associated with the payment method.
billing_address_phone The phone number at the billing address.
billing_address_province The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the billing address.
billing_address_province_code The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the billing address.
billing_address_zip The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the billing address.
browser_ip The IP address of the browser used by the customer when they placed the order.
has_buyer_accepted_marketing Whether the customer consented to receive email updates from the shop.
cancel_reason The reason why the order was canceled.
cancelled_timestamp The date and time when the order was canceled.
cart_token The ID of the cart that's associated with the order.
closed_timestamp The date and time when the order was closed (archived).
created_timestamp The autogenerated date and time when the order was created in Shopify.
currency The three-letter code for the shop currency.
customer_id The ID of the order's customer.
email The customer's email address.
financial_status The status of payments associated with the order. Can only be set when the order is created
fulfillment_status The order's status in terms of fulfilled line items.
order_id The ID of the order, used for API purposes. This is different from the order_number property, which is the ID used by the shop owner and customer.
landing_site_base_url The URL for the page where the buyer landed when they entered the shop.
location_id The ID of the physical location where the order was processed.
name The order name, generated by combining the order_number property with the order prefix and suffix that are set in the merchant's general settings.
note An optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order.
number The order's position in the shop's count of orders. Numbers are sequential and start at 1.
order_number The order 's position in the shop's count of orders starting at 1001. Order numbers are sequential and start at 1001.
processed_timestamp The date and time when an order was processed. This value is the date that appears on your orders and that's used in the analytic reports.
referring_site The website where the customer clicked a link to the shop.
shipping_address_address_1 The street address of the shipping address.
shipping_address_address_2 An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address.
shipping_address_city The city, town, or village of the shipping address.
shipping_address_company The company of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_country The name of the country of the shipping address.
shipping_address_country_code The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the shipping address.
shipping_address_first_name The first name of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_last_name The last name of the person associated with the shipping address.
shipping_address_latitude The latitude of the shipping address.
shipping_address_longitude The longitude of the shipping address.
shipping_address_name The full name of the person associated with the payment method.
shipping_address_phone The phone number at the shipping address.
shipping_address_province The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the shipping address.
shipping_address_province_code The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the shipping address.
shipping_address_zip The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the shipping address.
source_name Where the order originated. Can be set only during order creation, and is not writeable afterwards.
source_relation The ID of the order placed on the originating platform. This value doesn't correspond to the Shopify ID that's generated from a completed draft.
subtotal_price The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips.
has_taxes_included Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal.
is_test_order Whether this is a test order.
token A unique token for the order.
total_discounts The total discounts applied to the price of the order in the shop currency.
total_line_items_price The sum of all line item prices in the shop currency.
total_price The sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the shop currency. Must be positive.
total_tax The sum of all the taxes applied to the order in th shop currency. Must be positive.
total_weight The sum of all line item weights in grams.
updated_timestamp The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was last modified.
user_id The ID of the user logged into Shopify POS who processed the order, if applicable.
line_item_count Number of line items included in the order.
customer_order_seq_number The sequential number of the order as it relates to the customer
new_vs_repeat Whether the order was a new or repeat order for the customer.
shipping_cost The shipping cost of the order.
order_adjustment_amount Total adjustment amount applied to the order in shop currency.
order_adjustment_tax_amount Total tax applied to the adjustment on the order in shop currency.
refund_subtotal Total refund amount applied to the order in shop currency.
refund_total_tax Total tax applied to the refund on the order in shop currency.
order_adjusted_total Order total adjusted for refunds and other adjustments. The calculation used for this field is as follows: total price listed on the original order (including shipping costs and discounts) + adjustments + adjustments tax - total refunds - refunds tax The order_adjusted_total will equate to the total sales - refunds listed within the transactions table for the order (after currency exchange).\n
checkout_token The checkout token applied to the order.
total_shipping_price_set The total shipping price set to the order.
order_total_shipping_tax Total shipping tax attributed to the order.
order_tags List of tags associated with the order.
order_url_tags List of url tags associated with the order.
number_of_fulfillments Total fulfillments for the order.
fulfillment_services List of fulfillment services for the order.
tracking_companies List of tracking companies for the order.
tracking_numbers List of tracking numbers for the order.
total_tip_received The sum of all the tips in the order in the shop currency.
checkout_id The ID for the checkout.
client_details_user_agent Details of the browsing client, including software and operating versions.
customer_locale The two or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. Example values - en, en-CA.
order_status_url The URL pointing to the order status web page, if applicable.
presentment_currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) of the currency that the customer used at checkout. For the shop's default currency, see `currency`.
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
total_discounts_set The total discounts applied to the price of the order in shop and presentment currencies.
total_line_items_price_set The total of all line item prices in shop and presentment currencies.
total_price_set The total price of the order in shop and presentment currencies.
total_tax_set The total tax applied to the order in shop and presentment currencies.
is_confirmed Whether the order is confirmed.
shipping_discount_amount The total amount of discount (in shop currency) allocated toward shipping.
percentage_calc_discount_amount The total amount of discount (in shop currency) allocated via a percentage-based discount
fixed_amount_discount_amount The total amount of discount (in shop currency) allocated via a fixed-amount discount
count_discount_codes_applied Distinct discount codes applied on the order
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
82. model.shopify.shopify__customers
Model Description
Each record represents a customer in Shopify.
with customers as (

        {{'stg_shopify__customer'), except=["orders_count", "total_spent"]) }}
    from {{ var('shopify_customer') }}

), orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__customers__order_aggregates' )}}

), abandoned as (

        count(distinct checkout_id) as lifetime_abandoned_checkouts
    from {{ var('shopify_abandoned_checkout' )}}
    where customer_id is not null
    group by 1,2

), joined as (

        coalesce(abandoned.lifetime_abandoned_checkouts, 0) as lifetime_abandoned_checkouts,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_spent, 0) as lifetime_total_spent,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_refunded, 0) as lifetime_total_refunded,
        (coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_spent, 0) - coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_refunded, 0)) as lifetime_total_net,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_count_orders, 0) as lifetime_count_orders,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_tax, 0) as lifetime_total_tax,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_discount, 0) as lifetime_total_discount,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_shipping, 0) as lifetime_total_shipping,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts, 0) as lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_shipping_tax, 0) as lifetime_total_shipping_tax,

    from customers
    left join orders
        on customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
        and customers.source_relation = orders.source_relation
    left join abandoned
        on customers.customer_id = abandoned.customer_id
        and customers.source_relation = abandoned.source_relation

select *
from joined
Column Description
column_name description
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
created_timestamp The date and time when the customer was created.
default_address_id The default address for the customer.
email The unique email address of the customer. Attempting to assign the same email address to multiple customers returns an error.
first_name The customer's first name.
customer_id A unique identifier for the customer.
last_name The customer's last name.
lifetime_count_orders The number of orders associated with this customer.
phone The unique phone number (E.164 format) for this customer. Attempting to assign the same phone number to multiple customers returns an error.
account_state The state of the customer's account with a shop.
is_tax_exempt Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true, then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false, then taxes will be applied at checkout.
updated_timestamp The date and time when the customer information was last updated.
is_verified_email Whether the customer has verified their email address.
first_order_timestamp The timestamp the customer completed their first order.
most_recent_order_timestamp The timestamp the customer completed their most recent order.
avg_order_value The average order value for the customer.
lifetime_total_spent The total amount of money in shop currency that the customer has spent on orders across their order history.
lifetime_total_refunded The total amount of money that the customer has been refunded on orders across their order history.
lifetime_total_net The total amount of money (minus refunds) that the customer has spent across their order history.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from, if you are unioning multiple connectors. Null if not.
lifetime_abandoned_checkouts Total number of abandoned checkouts abandoned by the customer.
customer_tags A string aggregated list of all tags associated with a customer.
avg_quantity_per_order Average quantity of items per order customer orders.
lifetime_total_tax Total amount of tax attributed to the customer.
avg_tax_per_order Average tax per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_discount Total discounts attributed to the customer.
avg_discount_per_order Average discount per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_shipping Total shipping costs attributed to the customer.
avg_shipping_per_order Average shipping cost per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts Total shipping costs after discounts attributed to the customer.
avg_shipping_with_discounts_per_order Average shipping costs after discounts per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_shipping_tax Total shipping tax attributed to the customer.
avg_shipping_tax_per_order Average shipping tax per order attributed to the customer.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders.
note A note about the customer.
marketing_consent_updated_at The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used.
marketing_opt_in_level The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the M3AAWG Sender Best Common Practices, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email.
marketing_consent_state Field indicating if the customer has consented to receive marketing material via email. Coalescing of the new `email_marketing_consent_state` field and the deprecated `accepts_marketing` field. Records with the old field will be marked with '(legacy)'.\n
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
83. model.shopify.shopify__customer_emails
Model Description
Each record represents a customer email in Shopify.
with customer_emails as (

        {{'int_shopify__customer_email_rollup'), except=["orders_count", "total_spent"]) }}
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__customer_email_rollup') }}

), orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__emails__order_aggregates' )}}
    where email is not null

), abandoned as (

        lower(email) as email,
        count(distinct checkout_id) as lifetime_abandoned_checkouts
    from {{ var('shopify_abandoned_checkout' )}}
    where email is not null
    group by 1,2

), joined as (

        coalesce(abandoned.lifetime_abandoned_checkouts, 0) as lifetime_abandoned_checkouts,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_spent, 0) as lifetime_total_spent,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_refunded, 0) as lifetime_total_refunded,
        (coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_spent, 0) - coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_refunded, 0)) as lifetime_total_net,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_count_orders, 0) as lifetime_count_orders,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_tax, 0) as lifetime_total_tax,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_discount, 0) as lifetime_total_discount,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_shipping, 0) as lifetime_total_shipping,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts, 0) as lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts,
        coalesce(orders.lifetime_total_shipping_tax, 0) as lifetime_total_shipping_tax,

    from customer_emails
    left join orders
        on =
        and customer_emails.source_relation = orders.source_relation
    left join abandoned
        on =
        and customer_emails.source_relation = abandoned.source_relation

select *
from joined
Column Description
column_name description
last_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
default_address_id The default address for the customer.
email The unique email address of the customer.
first_name The customer's first name.
customer_ids Comma-separated list of customer IDs associated with the email.
last_name The customer's last name.
lifetime_count_orders The number of orders associated with this customer.
phone_numbers Comma-separated list of phone numbers associated with this email.
account_state The state of the customer's account with a shop.
is_tax_exempt Whether the customer is exempt from paying taxes on their order. If true, then taxes won't be applied to an order at checkout. If false, then taxes will be applied at checkout.
last_updated_at The date and time when the customer information was last updated.
is_verified_email Whether the customer has verified their email address.
first_order_timestamp The timestamp the customer completed their first order.
most_recent_order_timestamp The timestamp the customer completed their most recent order.
avg_order_value The average order value for the customer.
lifetime_total_spent The total amount of money that the customer has spent on orders across their order history (in shop currency).
lifetime_total_refunded The total amount of money that the customer has been refunded on orders across their order history.
lifetime_total_net The total amount of money (minus refunds) that the customer has spent across their order history.
first_account_created_at Timestamp of when the first account associated with this email was created.
last_account_created_at Timestamp of when the last account associated with this email was created.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from, if you are unioning multiple connectors. Null if not.
lifetime_abandoned_checkouts Total number of abandoned checkouts abandoned by the customer.
customer_tags A string aggregated list of all tags associated with a customer.
avg_quantity_per_order Average quantity of items per order customer orders.
lifetime_total_tax Total amount of tax attributed to the customer.
avg_tax_per_order Average tax per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_discount Total discounts attributed to the customer.
avg_discount_per_order Average discount per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_shipping Total shipping costs attributed to the customer.
avg_shipping_per_order Average shipping cost per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_shipping_with_discounts Total shipping costs after discounts attributed to the customer.
avg_shipping_with_discounts_per_order Average shipping costs after discounts per order attributed to the customer.
lifetime_total_shipping_tax Total shipping tax attributed to the customer.
avg_shipping_tax_per_order Average shipping tax per order attributed to the customer.
marketing_consent_updated_at The date and time when the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. If no date is provided, then the date and time when the consent information was sent is used.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order. Defaults to the shop currency. Returns the shop currency for test orders.
marketing_consent_state Field indicating if the customer has consented to receive marketing material via email. Coalescing of the new `email_marketing_consent_state` field and the deprecated `accepts_marketing` field. Records with the old field will be marked with '(legacy)'.\n
marketing_opt_in_level The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described in the M3AAWG Sender Best Common Practices, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email.
note A note about the customer.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
84. model.shopify.int_shopify__discounts__order_aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with order_discount_code as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_order_discount_code') }}

orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders') }}

orders_aggregated as (

        avg(order_discount_code.amount) as avg_order_discount_amount,
        sum(order_discount_code.amount) as total_order_discount_amount,
        max(orders.total_line_items_price) as total_order_line_items_price, -- summing would multiply the total by the # of discount codes applied to an order
        max(orders.shipping_cost) as total_order_shipping_cost, -- summing would multiply the total by the # of discount codes applied to an order
        max(orders.refund_subtotal + orders.refund_total_tax) as total_order_refund_amount, -- summing would multiply the total by the # of discount codes applied to an order
        count(distinct customer_id) as count_customers,
        count(distinct email) as count_customer_emails,
        count(distinct order_discount_code.order_id) as count_orders

    from order_discount_code
    join orders 
        on order_discount_code.order_id = orders.order_id 
        and order_discount_code.source_relation = orders.source_relation

    group by 1,2,3

select *
from orders_aggregated
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
85. model.shopify.int_shopify__daily_orders
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders') }}

    where not coalesce(is_deleted, false)

order_lines as(

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__order_lines') }}

order_aggregates as (

        cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('day','created_timestamp') }} as date) as date_day,
        count(distinct order_id) as count_orders,
        sum(line_item_count) as count_line_items,
        avg(line_item_count) as avg_line_item_count,
        count(distinct customer_id) as count_customers,
        count(distinct email) as count_customer_emails,
        sum(order_adjusted_total) as order_adjusted_total,
        avg(order_adjusted_total) as avg_order_value,
        sum(shipping_cost) as shipping_cost,
        sum(order_adjustment_amount) as order_adjustment_amount,
        sum(order_adjustment_tax_amount) as order_adjustment_tax_amount,
        sum(refund_subtotal) as refund_subtotal,
        sum(refund_total_tax) as refund_total_tax,
        sum(total_discounts) as total_discounts,
        avg(total_discounts) as avg_discount,
        sum(shipping_discount_amount) as shipping_discount_amount,
        avg(shipping_discount_amount) as avg_shipping_discount_amount,
        sum(percentage_calc_discount_amount) as percentage_calc_discount_amount,
        avg(percentage_calc_discount_amount) as avg_percentage_calc_discount_amount,
        sum(fixed_amount_discount_amount) as fixed_amount_discount_amount,
        avg(fixed_amount_discount_amount) as avg_fixed_amount_discount_amount,
        sum(count_discount_codes_applied) as count_discount_codes_applied,
        count(distinct location_id) as count_locations_ordered_from,
        sum(case when count_discount_codes_applied > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as count_orders_with_discounts,
        sum(case when refund_subtotal > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as count_orders_with_refunds,
        min(created_timestamp) as first_order_timestamp,
        max(created_timestamp) as last_order_timestamp

    from orders
    group by 1,2


order_line_aggregates as (

        cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('day','orders.created_timestamp') }} as date) as date_day,
        sum(order_lines.quantity) as quantity_sold,
        sum(order_lines.refunded_quantity) as quantity_refunded,
        sum(order_lines.quantity_net_refunds) as quantity_net,
        sum(order_lines.quantity) / count(distinct order_lines.order_id) as avg_quantity_sold,
        sum(order_lines.quantity_net_refunds) / count(distinct order_lines.order_id) as avg_quantity_net,
        count(distinct order_lines.variant_id) as count_variants_sold, 
        count(distinct order_lines.product_id) as count_products_sold, 
        sum(case when order_lines.is_gift_card then order_lines.quantity_net_refunds else 0 end) as quantity_gift_cards_sold,
        sum(case when order_lines.is_shipping_required then order_lines.quantity_net_refunds else 0 end) as quantity_requiring_shipping

    from order_lines
    left join orders -- just joining with order to get the created_timestamp
        on order_lines.order_id = orders.order_id
        and order_lines.source_relation = orders.source_relation

    group by 1,2

final as (


    from order_aggregates
    left join order_line_aggregates
        on order_aggregates.date_day = order_line_aggregates.date_day
        and order_aggregates.source_relation = order_line_aggregates.source_relation

select *
from final
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
86. model.shopify.int_shopify__product__order_line_aggregates
Model Description
⚠️ Model description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
with order_lines as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__order_lines') }}

), orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders')}}

), product_aggregated as (

        -- moved over from shopify__products
        sum(order_lines.quantity) as quantity_sold,
        sum(order_lines.pre_tax_price) as subtotal_sold,
        sum(order_lines.quantity_net_refunds) as quantity_sold_net_refunds,
        sum(order_lines.subtotal_net_refunds) as subtotal_sold_net_refunds,
        min(orders.created_timestamp) as first_order_timestamp,
        max(orders.created_timestamp) as most_recent_order_timestamp,

        -- new columns
        sum(order_lines.total_discount) as product_total_discount,
        sum(order_lines.order_line_tax) as product_total_tax,
        avg(order_lines.quantity) as avg_quantity_per_order_line,
        avg(order_lines.total_discount) as product_avg_discount_per_order_line,
        avg(order_lines.order_line_tax) as product_avg_tax_per_order_line

    from order_lines
    left join orders
        on order_lines.order_id = orders.order_id
        and order_lines.source_relation = orders.source_relation
    group by 1,2


select *
from product_aggregated
Column Description
⚠️ Column description is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
87. model.shopify.shopify__discounts
Model Description
Each record represents a unique discount, enriched with information about its associated `price_rule` and metrics regarding orders and abandoned checkouts.
        materialized='table' if target.type in ('bigquery', 'databricks', 'spark') else 'incremental',
        incremental_strategy='delete+insert' if target.type in ('postgres', 'redshift', 'snowflake') else 'merge',

with discount as (

        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['source_relation', 'discount_code_id']) }} as discounts_unique_key
    from {{ var('shopify_discount_code') }}

    {% if is_incremental() %}
    where cast(coalesce(updated_at, created_at) as date) >= {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(
        from_date="max(cast(coalesce(updated_at, created_at) as date))", 
        interval=var('lookback_window', 7), 
        datepart='day') }}
    {% endif %}

price_rule as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_price_rule') }}

orders_aggregated as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__discounts__order_aggregates')}}

abandoned_checkouts_aggregated as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__discounts__abandoned_checkouts')}}

discount_price_rule_joined as (

        -- the below are NULL if customer_selection = all
        price_rule.created_at as price_rule_created_at,
        price_rule.updated_at as price_rule_updated_at

    from discount
    left join price_rule
        on discount.price_rule_id = price_rule.price_rule_id
        and discount.source_relation = price_rule.source_relation

aggregates_joined as (

        coalesce(orders_aggregated.count_orders, 0) as count_orders,
        coalesce(abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.count_abandoned_checkouts, 0) as count_abandoned_checkouts,
        coalesce(orders_aggregated.total_order_discount_amount, 0) as total_order_discount_amount,
        coalesce(abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.total_abandoned_checkout_discount_amount, 0) as total_abandoned_checkout_discount_amount,
        coalesce(orders_aggregated.total_order_line_items_price, 0) as total_order_line_items_price,
        coalesce(orders_aggregated.total_order_shipping_cost, 0) as total_order_shipping_cost,
        coalesce(abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.total_abandoned_checkout_shipping_price, 0) as total_abandoned_checkout_shipping_price,
        coalesce(orders_aggregated.total_order_refund_amount, 0) as total_order_refund_amount,
        coalesce(orders_aggregated.count_customers, 0) as count_customers,
        coalesce(orders_aggregated.count_customer_emails, 0) as count_customer_emails,
        coalesce(abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.count_abandoned_checkout_customers, 0) as count_abandoned_checkout_customers,
        coalesce(abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.count_abandoned_checkout_customer_emails, 0) as count_abandoned_checkout_customer_emails

    from discount_price_rule_joined
    left join orders_aggregated
        on discount_price_rule_joined.code = orders_aggregated.code
        and discount_price_rule_joined.source_relation = orders_aggregated.source_relation
        -- in case one CODE can apply to both shipping and line items, percentages and fixed_amounts
        and (case 
                when discount_price_rule_joined.target_type = 'shipping_line' then 'shipping' -- when target_type = 'shipping', value_type = 'percentage'
                else discount_price_rule_joined.value_type end) = orders_aggregated.type
    left join abandoned_checkouts_aggregated
        on discount_price_rule_joined.code = abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.code
        and discount_price_rule_joined.source_relation = abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.source_relation
        -- in case one CODE can apply to both shipping and line items, percentages and fixed_amounts
        and (case 
                when discount_price_rule_joined.target_type = 'shipping_line' then 'shipping' -- when target_type = 'shipping', value_type = 'percentage'
                else discount_price_rule_joined.value_type end) = abandoned_checkouts_aggregated.type 

select * 
from aggregates_joined
Column Description
column_name description
discounts_unique_key Unique key representing a discount. Hashed on 'discount_code_id' and 'source_relation'.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
code The case-insensitive discount code that customers use at checkout. Shopify recommends this map onto the associated `price_rule.title`.
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the discount code was created.
discount_code_id The ID for the discount code.
price_rule_id The ID for the price rule.
updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the discount code was updated.
usage_count The number of times that the discount code has been redeemed.
allocation_limit The number of times the discount can be allocated on the cart - if eligible. For example a Buy 1 hat Get 1 hat for free discount can be applied 3 times on a cart having more than 6 hats, where maximum of 3 hats get discounted - if the allocation_limit is 3. Empty (null) allocation_limit means unlimited number of allocations.\n
allocation_method The allocation method of the price rule. Valid values include `each` (the discount is applied to each of the entitled items. For example, for a price rule that takes $15 off, each entitled line item in a checkout will be discounted by $15) and `across` (the calculated discount amount will be applied across the entitled items. For example, for a price rule that takes $15 off, the discount will be applied across all the entitled items).\n
price_rule_created_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule was created.
customer_selection The customer selection for the price rule. Valid values include `all` (the price rule is valid for all customers) and `prerequisite` (the customer must either belong to one of the customer segments specified by customer_segment_prerequisite_ids, or be one of the customers specified by prerequisite_customer_ids).\n
ends_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule ends. Must be after starts_at.
is_once_per_customer Boolean representing whether the generated discount code will be valid only for a single use per customer. This is tracked using customer ID.
prereq_min_quantity If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the minimum number of items for the price rule to be applicable. The quantity of an entitled cart item must be greater than or equal to this value.
prereq_max_shipping_price If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the maximum shipping price for the price rule to be applicable. The shipping price must be less than or equal to this value
prereq_min_subtotal If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the minimum subtotal for the price rule to be applicable. The subtotal of the entitled cart items must be greater than or equal to this value for the discount to apply.
prereq_min_purchase_quantity_for_entitlement If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, the prerequisite purchase for a Buy X Get Y discount. The minimum purchase amount required to be entitled to the discount.
prereq_buy_x_get_this If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, in a Buy/Get ratio for a Buy X Get Y discount, this is the offered 'get' quantity.
prereq_buy_this_get_y If `customer_selection` is `prerequisite`, in a Buy/Get ratio for a Buy X Get Y discount, this defines the necessary 'buy' quantity.
starts_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule starts.
target_selection The target selection method of the price rule. Valid values include `all` (the price rule applies the discount to all line items in the checkout) and `entitled` (the price rule applies the discount to selected entitlements only).\n
target_type The target type that the price rule applies to. Valid values include `line_item` (the price rule applies to the cart's line items) and `shipping_line` (the price rule applies to the cart's shipping lines).
title The title of the price rule. This is used by the Shopify admin search to retrieve discounts. It is also displayed on the Discounts page of the Shopify admin for bulk discounts. Shopify recommends that this map onto the associated `discount_code.code`.\n
price_rule_updated_at The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the price rule was updated.
usage_limit The maximum number of times the price rule can be used, per discount code.
value The value of the price rule. If if the value of `target_type` is `shipping_line`, then only -100 is accepted. The value must be negative.
value_type The value type of the price rule. Valid values include `fixed_amount` (applies a discount of value as a unit of the store's currency. For example, if value is -30 and the store's currency is USD, then $30 USD is deducted when the discount is applied) and `percentage` (applies a percentage discount of value. For example, if value is -30, then 30% will be deducted when the discount is applied).\nIf `target_type` is `shipping_line`, then only `percentage` is accepted.\n
total_order_discount_amount Total monetary amount (in shop currency) of discounts taken off of orders.
total_abandoned_checkout_discount_amount Total monetary amount (in shop currency) of discounts taken off abandoned checkout orders.
total_order_line_items_price Total monetary amount (in shop currency) of line items for orders that have used this discount.
total_order_shipping_cost Total shipping costs for orders that used this discount.
total_abandoned_checkout_shipping_price Total projected shipping costs for abandoned checkouts that applied this discount first.
total_order_refund_amount Total refunded amount (in shop currency) for orders that used this discount code.
count_customers Count of distinct customers who placed orders using this discount.
count_customer_emails Count of distinct customer emails who placed orders using this discount.
avg_order_discount_amount Average amount (in shop currency) of discount taken off orders.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
count_orders Count of orders in which this discount code was applied.
count_abandoned_checkouts Count of abandoned checkouts in which this discount code was applied.
count_abandoned_checkout_customers Distinct count of customers who applied this discount in a checkout that they abandoned.
count_abandoned_checkout_customer_emails Distinct count of customer emails who applied this discount in a checkout that they abandoned.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
88. model.shopify.shopify__daily_shop
Model Description
Each record represents a day in your Shop, enriched with a suite of metrics.
with shop as (

    select *
    from {{ var('shopify_shop') }}

calendar as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__calendar') }}
    where cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('day','date_day') }} as date) = date_day

daily_orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__daily_orders') }}

daily_abandoned_checkouts as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__daily_abandoned_checkouts') }}

{% if var('shopify_using_fulfillment_event', false) %}
daily_fulfillment as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__daily_fulfillment') }}
{% endif %}

shop_calendar as (

        cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('day','calendar.date_day') }} as date) as date_day,

    from calendar
    join shop 
        on cast(shop.created_at as date) <= calendar.date_day

final as (


        coalesce(daily_orders.count_orders, 0) as count_orders,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_line_items, 0) as count_line_items,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_customers, 0) as count_customers,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_customer_emails, 0) as count_customer_emails,
        coalesce(daily_orders.order_adjusted_total, 0) as order_adjusted_total,
        coalesce(daily_orders.shipping_cost, 0) as shipping_cost,
        coalesce(daily_orders.order_adjustment_amount, 0) as order_adjustment_amount,
        coalesce(daily_orders.order_adjustment_tax_amount, 0) as order_adjustment_tax_amount,
        coalesce(daily_orders.refund_subtotal, 0) as refund_subtotal,
        coalesce(daily_orders.refund_total_tax, 0) as refund_total_tax,
        coalesce(daily_orders.total_discounts, 0) as total_discounts,
        coalesce(daily_orders.shipping_discount_amount, 0) as shipping_discount_amount,
        coalesce(daily_orders.percentage_calc_discount_amount, 0) as percentage_calc_discount_amount,
        coalesce(daily_orders.fixed_amount_discount_amount, 0) as fixed_amount_discount_amount,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_discount_codes_applied, 0) as count_discount_codes_applied,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_locations_ordered_from, 0) as count_locations_ordered_from,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_orders_with_discounts, 0) as count_orders_with_discounts,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_orders_with_refunds, 0) as count_orders_with_refunds,

        coalesce(daily_orders.quantity_sold, 0) as quantity_sold,
        coalesce(daily_orders.quantity_refunded, 0) as quantity_refunded,
        coalesce(daily_orders.quantity_net, 0) as quantity_net,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_variants_sold, 0) as count_variants_sold,
        coalesce(daily_orders.count_products_sold, 0) as count_products_sold,
        coalesce(daily_orders.quantity_gift_cards_sold, 0) as quantity_gift_cards_sold,
        coalesce(daily_orders.quantity_requiring_shipping, 0) as quantity_requiring_shipping,

        coalesce(daily_abandoned_checkouts.count_abandoned_checkouts, 0) as count_abandoned_checkouts,
        coalesce(daily_abandoned_checkouts.count_customers_abandoned_checkout, 0) as count_customers_abandoned_checkout,
        coalesce(daily_abandoned_checkouts.count_customer_emails_abandoned_checkout, 0) as count_customer_emails_abandoned_checkout

        {% if var('shopify_using_fulfillment_event', false) %}
            {% for status in ['attempted_delivery', 'delayed', 'delivered', 'failure', 'in_transit', 'out_for_delivery', 'ready_for_pickup', 'picked_up', 'label_printed', 'label_purchased', 'confirmed']%}
        , coalesce(count_fulfillment_{{ status }}, 0) as count_fulfillment_{{ status }}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

    from shop_calendar
    left join daily_orders 
        on shop_calendar.source_relation = daily_orders.source_relation
        and shop_calendar.date_day = daily_orders.date_day
    left join daily_abandoned_checkouts 
        on shop_calendar.source_relation = daily_abandoned_checkouts.source_relation
        and shop_calendar.date_day = daily_abandoned_checkouts.date_day
    {% if var('shopify_using_fulfillment_event', false) %}
    left join daily_fulfillment 
        on shop_calendar.source_relation = daily_fulfillment.source_relation
        and shop_calendar.date_day = daily_fulfillment.date_day
    {% endif %}

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
date_day Day for which the shop activity is being measured.
shop_id The ID for the shop. A 64-bit unsigned integer.
name The name of the shop.
domain The shop's domain.
is_deleted Boolean representing whether the record was soft-deleted in Shopify.
currency The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the shop's default currency.
enabled_presentment_currencies An array of of enabled currencies (ISO 4217 format) that the shop accepts. Merchants can enable currencies from their Shopify Payments settings in the Shopify Admin.
iana_timezone The name of the timezone assigned by the [IANA](
created_at The date and time (ISO 8601) when the shop was created.
count_orders Count of the distinct orders placed on this day.
count_line_items Count of the line items included in orders placed on this day.
count_customers Count of distinct customers who placed an order on this day.
count_customer_emails Count of distinct customer email addresses who placed an order on this day.
order_adjusted_total Order total adjusted for refunds and other adjustments. The calculation used for this field is as follows: total price listed on the original order (including shipping costs and discounts) + adjustments + adjustments tax - total refunds - refunds tax The order_adjusted_total will equate to the total sales - refunds listed within the transactions table for the order (after currency exchange).\n
avg_order_value Average adjusted total per order placed on this day (in shop currency).
shipping_cost The shipping cost of the orders placed on this day (in shop currency).
order_adjustment_amount Total adjustment amount (in shop currency) applied to the orders placed on this day.
order_adjustment_tax_amount Total tax applied to adjustments (in shop currency) on the orders placed on this day.
refund_subtotal Total refund amount applied to the orders placed on this day.
refund_total_tax Total tax applied to the refund on the orders placed on this day (in shop currency).
total_discounts The total amount of the discount allocated to this day's orders in the shop's currency.
shipping_discount_amount The total amount of discount (in shop currency) allocated toward shipping for orders placed on this day.
percentage_calc_discount_amount The total amount of discount (in shop currency) allocated via a percentage-based discount for orders placed on this day.
fixed_amount_discount_amount The total amount of discount (in shop currency) allocated via a fixed-amount discount for orders placed on this day.
count_discount_codes_applied Distinct discount codes applied by customers on orders for this day.
count_locations_ordered_from Distinct locations with orders placed against them on this day.
count_orders_with_discounts Count of orders in which a discount was applied.
count_orders_with_refunds Count of orders in which there was a refund.
first_order_timestamp Timestamp of the first order of the day for the shop.
last_order_timestamp Timestamp of the last order of the day for the shop.
quantity_sold Total quantity sold from the inventory level. Includes refunds.
quantity_refunded The quantity of goods ORDERED on this day that have been refunded.
quantity_net Net quantity sold from this shop on this day. Excludes refunds.
count_variants_sold Distinct product variants sold on this day (includes refunds).
count_products_sold Distinct products sold on this day (includes refunds).
quantity_gift_cards_sold Quantity of gift cards sold on this day.
quantity_requiring_shipping Quantity of goods sold on this day that require shipping.
count_abandoned_checkouts Count of abandoned checkouts on this day.
count_customers_abandoned_checkout Count of distinct customers who abandoned checkouts on this day.
count_customer_emails_abandoned_checkout Count of distinct customer emails who abandoned checkouts on this day.
count_fulfillment_attempted_delivery Count of distinct fulfillments on this day where the delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed.
count_fulfillment_delivered Count of successful distinct fulfillments successfully delivered on this day.
count_fulfillment_failure Count of failed distinct fulfillments on this day. Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.
count_fulfillment_in_transit Count of distinct fulfillments in transit on this day. Each shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.
count_fulfillment_out_for_delivery Count of distinct fulfillments being delivered to their final destination.
count_fulfillment_ready_for_pickup Count of distinct fulfillments ready for pickup at a shipping depot.
count_fulfillment_picked_up Count of distinct fulfillments successfully picked up on this day.
count_fulfillment_label_printed Count of distinct fulfillments for which a purchased shipping label has been printed on this day.
count_fulfillment_label_purchased Count of distinct fulfillments for which a shipping label has been purchased (but not printed yet) on this day.
count_fulfillment_confirmed Count of confirmed distinct fulfillments. This is the default status when no other information is available about a fulfillment.
count_fulfillment_delayed Count of delayed distinct fulfillments.
avg_line_item_count Average line item count for orders placed on this day.
avg_discount Average total discount placed on orders on this day (in shop currency).
avg_shipping_discount_amount Average discount amount (in shop currency) allocated toward shipping on orders placed on this day.
avg_percentage_calc_discount_amount Average discount amount (in shop currency) allocated via a percentage-based-discount on orders placed on this day.
avg_fixed_amount_discount_amount Average discount amount (in shop currency) allocated via a fixed-amount-discount on orders placed on this day.
avg_quantity_sold Average quantity sold per order on this day. Includes refunds. (in shop currency)
avg_quantity_net Average net quantity sold per order on this day. Excludes refunds. (in shop currency)
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
89. model.shopify.shopify__customer_cohorts
Model Description
Each record represents a customer's performance in a calendar month.
        materialized='table' if shopify.shopify_is_databricks_sql_warehouse() else 'incremental',
        incremental_strategy='insert_overwrite' if target.type in ('bigquery', 'databricks', 'spark') else 'delete+insert',
            "field": "date_month", 
            "data_type": "date"
            } if target.type not in ('spark','databricks') 
            else ['date_month'],
        cluster_by=['date_month', 'customer_id'],
        file_format='delta' if shopify.shopify_is_databricks_sql_warehouse() else 'parquet'

with calendar as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__calendar') }}
    where cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('month','date_day') }} as date) = date_day

    {% if is_incremental() %}
    and cast(date_day as date) >= {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(from_date="max(date_month)", interval=1, datepart='month') }}
    {% endif %}

), customers as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__customers') }}

), orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders') }}

), customer_calendar as (

        cast(calendar.date_day as date) as date_month,
        cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('month', 'first_order_timestamp') }} as date) as cohort_month
    from calendar
    inner join customers
        on cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('month', 'first_order_timestamp') }} as date) <= calendar.date_day

), orders_joined as (

        coalesce(count(distinct orders.order_id), 0) as order_count_in_month,
        coalesce(sum(orders.order_adjusted_total), 0) as total_price_in_month,
        coalesce(sum(orders.line_item_count), 0) as line_item_count_in_month
    from customer_calendar
    left join orders
        on customer_calendar.customer_id = orders.customer_id
        and customer_calendar.source_relation = orders.source_relation
        and customer_calendar.date_month = cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('month', 'created_timestamp') }} as date)
    {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=5) }}

), windows as (

    {% set partition_string = 'partition by ' ~ shopify.shopify_partition_by_cols('customer_id', 'source_relation') ~ 'order by date_month rows between unbounded preceding and current row' %}

        sum(total_price_in_month) over ({{ partition_string }}) as total_price_lifetime,
        sum(order_count_in_month) over ({{ partition_string }}) as order_count_lifetime,
        sum(line_item_count_in_month) over ({{ partition_string }}) as line_item_count_lifetime,
        row_number() over ( 
            partition by {{ shopify.shopify_partition_by_cols('customer_id', 'source_relation') }}
            order by date_month asc) 
            as cohort_month_number
    from orders_joined

{% if is_incremental() %}
), backfill_lifetime_sums as (
    -- for incremental runs we need to fetch the prior lifetimes to properly continue adding to them
        max(total_price_lifetime) as previous_total_price_lifetime,
        max(order_count_lifetime) as previous_order_count_lifetime,
        max(line_item_count_lifetime) as previous_line_item_count_lifetime,
        max(cohort_month_number) as previous_cohort_month_number
    from {{ this }}
    where date_month < {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(from_date="max(date_month)", interval=1, datepart='month') }}
    group by 1,2

), final as (

        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_cohort_month_number + windows.cohort_month_number as cohort_month_number,
        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_total_price_lifetime + windows.total_price_lifetime as total_price_lifetime,
        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_order_count_lifetime + windows.order_count_lifetime as order_count_lifetime,
        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_line_item_count_lifetime + windows.line_item_count_lifetime as line_item_count_lifetime,
        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['windows.date_month','windows.customer_id','windows.source_relation']) }} as customer_cohort_id
    from windows
    left join backfill_lifetime_sums
        on backfill_lifetime_sums.source_relation = windows.source_relation
        and backfill_lifetime_sums.customer_id = windows.customer_id

{% else %}
), final as (

        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['date_month','customer_id','source_relation']) }} as customer_cohort_id
    from windows

{% endif %}

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
cohort_month The month the cohort belongs to, i.e the first month the customer had an order.
cohort_month_number The 'number' of the `date_month` of the record, i.e. how many months from their start month this cohort occurred
customer_cohort_id Unique key representing a customer in a given month. Hashed on 'date_month', 'customer_id', and 'source_relation'.
customer_id The ID of the related customer.
date_month The calendar month the customer stats relate to.
first_order_timestamp The timestamp of the customer's first order.
line_item_count_in_month Number of line items purchased in the `date_month`
line_item_count_lifetime Number of line items purchased up until and including this `date_month`.
order_count_in_month Number of orders purchased in the `date_month`
order_count_lifetime Number of orders purchased up until and including this `date_month`.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
total_price_in_month Total amount (in shop currency) purchased in the `date_month`
total_price_lifetime Total amount (in shop currency) up until and including this `date_month`.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
90. model.shopify.shopify__customer_email_cohorts
Model Description
Each record represents a customer's (on the EMAIL grain) performance in a calendar month.
        materialized='table' if shopify.shopify_is_databricks_sql_warehouse() else 'incremental',
        incremental_strategy='insert_overwrite' if target.type in ('bigquery', 'databricks', 'spark') else 'delete+insert',
            "field": "date_month", 
            "data_type": "date"
            } if target.type not in ('spark','databricks') 
            else ['date_month'],
        cluster_by=['date_month', 'email'],
        file_format='delta' if shopify.shopify_is_databricks_sql_warehouse() else 'parquet'

with calendar as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__calendar') }}
    where cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('month','date_day') }} as date) = date_day

    {% if is_incremental() %}
    and cast(date_day as date) >= {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(from_date="max(date_month)", interval=1, datepart='month') }}
    {% endif %}

), customers as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__customer_emails') }}

), orders as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('shopify__orders') }}

), customer_calendar as (

        cast(calendar.date_day as date) as date_month,,
        {{ dbt.date_trunc('month', 'first_order_timestamp') }} as cohort_month
    from calendar
    inner join customers
        on cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('month', 'first_order_timestamp') }} as date) <= calendar.date_day

), orders_joined as (

        coalesce(count(distinct orders.order_id), 0) as order_count_in_month,
        coalesce(sum(orders.order_adjusted_total), 0) as total_price_in_month,
        coalesce(sum(orders.line_item_count), 0) as line_item_count_in_month
    from customer_calendar
    left join orders
        on =
        and customer_calendar.source_relation = orders.source_relation
        and customer_calendar.date_month = cast({{ dbt.date_trunc('month', 'created_timestamp') }} as date)
    {{ dbt_utils.group_by(n=5) }}

), windows as (

    {% set partition_string = 'partition by ' ~ shopify.shopify_partition_by_cols('email', 'source_relation') ~ 'order by date_month rows between unbounded preceding and current row' %}

        sum(total_price_in_month) over ({{ partition_string }}) as total_price_lifetime,
        sum(order_count_in_month) over ({{ partition_string }}) as order_count_lifetime,
        sum(line_item_count_in_month) over ({{ partition_string }}) as line_item_count_lifetime,
        row_number() over ( 
            partition by {{ shopify.shopify_partition_by_cols('email', 'source_relation') }}
            order by date_month asc) 
            as cohort_month_number
    from orders_joined

{% if is_incremental() %}
), backfill_lifetime_sums as (
    -- for incremental runs we need to fetch the prior lifetimes to properly continue adding to them
        max(total_price_lifetime) as previous_total_price_lifetime,
        max(order_count_lifetime) as previous_order_count_lifetime,
        max(line_item_count_lifetime) as previous_line_item_count_lifetime,
        max(cohort_month_number) as previous_cohort_month_number
    from {{ this }}
    where date_month < {{ shopify.shopify_lookback(from_date="max(date_month)", interval=1, datepart='month') }}
    group by 1,2

), final as (

        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_cohort_month_number + windows.cohort_month_number as cohort_month_number,
        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_total_price_lifetime + windows.total_price_lifetime as total_price_lifetime,
        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_order_count_lifetime + windows.order_count_lifetime as order_count_lifetime,
        backfill_lifetime_sums.previous_line_item_count_lifetime + windows.line_item_count_lifetime as line_item_count_lifetime,
        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['windows.date_month','','windows.source_relation']) }} as customer_cohort_id
    from windows
    left join backfill_lifetime_sums
        on backfill_lifetime_sums.source_relation = windows.source_relation
        and =

{% else %}
), final as (

        {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['date_month','email','source_relation']) }} as customer_cohort_id
    from windows

{% endif %}

select *
from final
Column Description
column_name description
cohort_month The month the cohort belongs to, i.e the first month the customer had an order.
cohort_month_number The 'number' of the `date_month` of the record, i.e. how many months from their start month this cohort occurred
customer_cohort_id Unique key representing a customer in a given month. Hashed on 'date_month','email', and 'source_relation'.
email The ID of the related customer.
date_month The calendar month the customer stats relate to.
first_order_timestamp The timestamp of the customer's first order.
line_item_count_in_month Number of line items purchased in the `date_month`
line_item_count_lifetime Number of line items purchased up until and including this `date_month`.
order_count_in_month Number of orders purchased in the `date_month`
order_count_lifetime Number of orders purchased up until and including this `date_month`.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from if you are making use of the `shopify_union_schemas` or `shopify_union_databases` variables, respectively. Empty string if you are not using either of these variables to union together multiple Shopify connectors.
total_price_in_month Total amount (in shop currency) purchased in the `date_month`
total_price_lifetime Total amount (in shop currency) up until and including this `date_month`.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.
91. model.shopify.shopify__products
Model Description
Each record represents a product in Shopify.
with products as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__products_with_aggregates') }}

), product_order_lines as (

    select *
    from {{ ref('int_shopify__product__order_line_aggregates')}}

), joined as (

        coalesce(product_order_lines.quantity_sold,0) as total_quantity_sold,
        coalesce(product_order_lines.subtotal_sold,0) as subtotal_sold,
        coalesce(product_order_lines.quantity_sold_net_refunds,0) as quantity_sold_net_refunds,
        coalesce(product_order_lines.subtotal_sold_net_refunds,0) as subtotal_sold_net_refunds,
        product_order_lines.avg_quantity_per_order_line as avg_quantity_per_order_line,
        coalesce(product_order_lines.product_total_discount,0) as product_total_discount,
        product_order_lines.product_avg_discount_per_order_line as product_avg_discount_per_order_line,
        coalesce(product_order_lines.product_total_tax,0) as product_total_tax,
        product_order_lines.product_avg_tax_per_order_line as product_avg_tax_per_order_line

    from products
    left join product_order_lines
        on products.product_id = product_order_lines.product_id
        and products.source_relation = product_order_lines.source_relation

select *
from joined
Column Description
column_name description
is_deleted Whether the record has been deleted in the source system.
_fivetran_synced The time when a record was last updated by Fivetran.
created_timestamp The date and time when the product was created.
handle A unique human-friendly string for the product. Automatically generated from the product's title.
product_id An unsigned 64-bit integer that's used as a unique identifier for the product. Each id is unique across the Shopify system. No two products will have the same id, even if they're from different shops.
product_type A categorization for the product used for filtering and searching products.
published_timestamp The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published. Can be set to null to unpublish the product from the Online Store channel.
published_scope Whether the product is published to the Point of Sale channel.
title The name of the product.
updated_timestamp The date and time when the product was last modified.
vendor The name of the product's vendor.
total_quantity_sold Quantity of the product sold.
subtotal_sold Total amount (in shop currency) of the product sold.
quantity_sold_net_refunds Quantity of the product sold, excluding refunds.
subtotal_sold_net_refunds Total amount (in shop currency) of the product sold, excluding refunds.
first_order_timestamp The timestamp the product was first ordered.
most_recent_order_timestamp The timestamp the product was most recently ordered.
source_relation The schema or database this record came from, if you are unioning multiple connectors. Null if not.
avg_quantity_per_order_line Average quantity per order line with this product.
product_total_discount Total discounts associated with the product.
product_avg_discount_per_order_line Average discount per order line with this product.
product_total_tax Total taxes associated with the product.
product_avg_tax_per_order_line Average taxes per order line with this product.
count_variants Count of product variants.
has_product_image If the product has an image.
status The status of the product. Valid values: - active: The product is ready to sell and is available to customers on the online store, sales channels, and apps. By default, existing products are set to active. - archived: The product is no longer being sold and isn't available to customers on sales channels and apps. - draft: The product isn't ready to sell and is unavailable to customers on sales channels and apps. By default, duplicated and unarchived products are set to draft.\n
collections Comma-separated list of collections associated with the product.
tags Comma-separated list of tags associated with the product.
Column Lineage
⚠️ Column lineage is missing from the provided dbt project.
🚀 Run Cocoon Deep RAG to automatically generate it for better RAG.

Step 2: Power Copilot with RAG

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